


3 years, 3 months ago


There’s no god, it’s the elements that control this world and everything on it.
Danila Igorevich Fyodorov
January 27th, 1981
cis male
not defined
1.8 m/6'0
Rizhskaya's doctor
  • mushroom tea
  • sci-fi books
  • sleeping
  • helping others
  • mentioning his past
  • the Rangers
  • current situation of the VDNKh Commonwealth
  • people disobeying him

Danila Igorevich Fyodorov (Данила Игоревич Фëдоров), also known officially as Doctor Fyodorov (Доктор Фëдоров) is the protagonist of the Universe of Metro 2033 fan-story "Sins of our Past". Danila is a citizen of Rizhskaya station, Darya's adoptive father and a friend of Natasha Abrosenkova. In his past, Danila used to be the Spartan Rangers' medic and one of their veteran members, a close colleague of squad leader Akim Korolev. As he still has his medical license, he is the current doctor on Rizhskaya, and sometimes he is sent to help on other VDNKh Commonwealth stations. Deep down inside, Danila is a nerd who gets so excited when his favorite topics are discussed, especially if it revolves around sci-fi books.
Like all other citizens of the newly-formed VDNKh Commonwealth, Danila seems to be stressed with VDNKh's struggles with the Dark Ones – especially since now and then he has to deal with patients who met them, going insane.
During the events of 2033, the Russian is 52. He travels to the VDNKh station to help with the people harmed by the Dark Ones; he desribes the phenomenon as "something he never seen before".

He was born on January 27th, 1981 to Igor Vasilievich Fyodorov and Zlata Ivanovna Fyodorova. He met Akim Korolev during their compulsory national service in 1999. Afterwards, Danila decided to study medicine, as he always was above average student. Despite spending most of his time studying or pracitcing, the man was always eager to meet with people or even party; he liked the attention people gave him since he was a child.
When World War III began, he was one of the lucky ones that managed to hide in the Moscow Metro system. Since that, he lived in Polis – the capital. After the "SPARTA" Order was founded, he joined with Akim, his old friend, who managed to survive as well. Danila became one of their medics, who stationed in the Polis for most of time. Sometime in 2020, his relationship with Akim began to worsen, often resulting in serious arguments. After the man was unable to save their friend – Vladimir Sokolov – one of their disuptes resulted in a serious fight, as the other Spartan blamed him for Sokolov's death, which made Danila leave the Spartans. Danila moved to Rizhskaya – a station in the northern part of the Metro system, which was poor, but far more calmer. It was something Danila needed, and due to his medical license, he was able to get the job as the station's main doctor.
In 2029, he adopted 11 years old orphaned beggar girl named Dasha. Over the years, he befriended Natasha Abrosenkova, who also fled to Rizhskaya to search for help, peace and calm.

  • Voice claim [Emhyr].
  • Danila has graying hair in some places – despite his age and the condiditons he lives in, he still doesn't have that much of graying hair, somehow.
  • He's tall and has a pretty athletic build, but isn't as muscular as Akim for instance.
  • He might have had a crush on Akim at some point.
  • Back when the life was normal, he was usually grumpy before drinking coffee. As after the war the coffee became more rare, he had to manage to survive without it somehow.
  • Danila often has migraines and back pains due to his work.

Adopted daughter


Darya Fyodorova

Darya is Danila's adopted daughter. As she was an orphaned beggar, the girl wandered to Rizhskaya one day and got into trouble, stealing some man's knife. That's when she ran into Danila, who decided to help her – he offered the station's administration to adopt the girl so he can teach her, and avoid situations like this in the future. Since then, they live together and Danila takes care of the teenager. He loves her as his own child, and Dasha is equally glad she has somebody who cares about her.



Natasha Abrosenkova

They're friends. Danila offered his help to Natasha after she ran away from her abusive husband, helping her settle in Rizhskaya. They get along due to their similar past experiences – they both got hurt by somebody they tought they loved. Natasha works in the canteen, and sometimes she jokes about how she would give Danila extra portion "if there was more food". She often shows him interesting things she finds, like the old photos or parts of the mosaics, as well. He, on the other hand, brings her vinyls he buys.

Enemy; ex-friend


Akim Korolev

They are enemies. In the past, Danila and Akim used to be friends. They met during the compulsory national service, and after World War III, they both joined the "SPARTA" Order. Danila thought they were really close, but after the accident with Sokolov their relationship fell apart. Akim became agressive towards Danila, and Danila was mean to his ex-friend, often ending up in arguments. One of them resulted in a serious fight in which the medic lost his eye. After that, he left "SPARTA" and moved to Rizhskaya.