


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Sonami

Pronunciation: So-nuh-mi

Biological Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Species: Standard

Type: Bred Lavaling

Egg ID: #69

Inherited Ferroii:


Head fluff

Ear fluff


Tail fluff

Body fluff

Limb fluff

Shaped nose

Ring markings

Heavenly hair

Hatch Location: Nishiki Family Estate

She still has to hatch and be a baby for a bit but this will be her personality once she's a kid.

Sonami is a very serious child with a bad temper, not often cracking a smile. However she is usually very quiet
and keeps to herself a lot, reading, but if anyone should antagonize her she will seldom hold back on ripping them
a new one. Sonami is really strict with herself and doesn't allow herself much, like a break after school or hardly
any treats really. And though she may not look it, she has to study harder than the rest because studying and school
work is hard for her even though she can always be found reading and is pretty intelligent. Others just assume that
the quiet bookworm with good grades is a genius who doesn't have to work hard, but its not true for her.

A lot of the other kids bully her for her attitude, saying how boring she is and how she should smile more because
it will make her look prettier. Mostly its the girls that snicker behind her back, saying things and picking on her
for the way she acts and the ways he looks, but Sonami whips right around and challenges them with her words and her
intimidating glare. However she still is self concious as a result and feels bad about herself, she doesn't think she
looks good and says thats okay, but it isn't really, it affects her self image. But having knowledge and getting things
right validates her and makes her feel good about herself when her apprearance doesn't. It only works so much though.

She comes across as cold to others because she doesn't know how to interact with them, also most lytes are annoying.
So unless she is with her sister she can always be found alone.
