Lola (x Ganondorf (Modern AU))



Gender Female (She/Her)
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Flowershop owner
Demeanor Sweet/Fragile
Gender Male (He/Him)
Orientation Straight
Occupation CEO
Demeanor Powerful/Possessive
Height Difference
70cm / 2'3"
147cm / 4'8"
217cm / 7'1"

Age Difference

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Starting off on a line full of tensions, Ganondorf originally planned on buying the flower shop Lola was owning and working in, hoping to demolish it and rebuild new staff batiments on it instead, but came up as unsuccessful due to her always refusing any price suggestions from his workers.
Being the head of a strong CEO, humiliated, the man directly confronted the sweet owner himself by pretending to be a simple client, who would visit more and more frequently, faking an interest in the woman, only to get to his objective and own the shop.
Unluckily, some strange feelings start overwhelming the man as he seems to grow a sensitive sweet spot to the lady, both, while being the opposite, falling in love for each others.

Their Relationship

Both coming from different worlds, one having a delinquent past and growing up being a cold man building his own industry, and the other coming from a loving family that went dysfunctional and problematic when losing her mother to a desease she has as well, they surprisingly match to the point of them being able to understand each other's struggles, curing the other one's mental wounds.
Starting of with a deeper understanding of who the other truly is, they both felt like no one except them could relate and understand the other.
Their relationship started of as toxic and co-dependent, Ganondorf being overly possessive and Lola only trusting him, but they learnt to set up boundaries, and actually work on themselves before it could be too late.
They went through so many thing together, that they are now inseparable, but in a healthy, loving way, both being protective and loving toward the other.

How Lola feels

"Life can be full of mysteries, one of them being what Ganon finds in me. But meeting him healed up some deep wounds I had no longer any hopes to treat anymore. I still have my illness, yes, but he's one of the rare people I know that makes me actually think about something else. I never knew a boss from a huge industry could secretely be so caring...
I feel like everything happened is due to the flowershop, as if it was destiny. I like the thought of it!
It belonged to my mother's after all.
Really, things never looked so bright until we crossed path. I never loved someone this much before."

How Ganondorf feels

"I sometimes doubt how someone as sweet and kind as Lola could ever be in love with me. But she always makes sure to make my insecurities disappear. I think she's the only person on this Earth to know me entirely, as if we already met in another life.
I suppose I must accept that even the devil himself can be able to feel love, and be loved in return. She's my angel, truly.
I can finally be myself around someone. Put aside the facade I built, knowing nothing but work.
I'm still planning on contacting the best doctors for her desease, even if she's reluctant about it. No illness should come accross our hapiness, and her blossoming nature."


  • Ganondorf is very controlling and possessive by nature, and was at the start acting that way toward Lola, before quickly changing.
  • Ganondorf wears a blue rose from Lola's shop on his working outfit, placed on his chest pocket.
  • Ganon and Lola are both talented at playing piano, and own one at home. They sometimes play together.
  • Having a huge height difference, Ganondorf likes to carry Lola around like a princess.
  • Even if technically, both Lola could retire as they have more than enough money, she still loves her job, not wanting to be dependent of Ganondorf as well, him being able to buy anything he wants.
  • When having a busy schedule, Ganondorf tries to pay a visit to Lola's flower shop at least once a week, even once they move together in the same home. He always buys her one of her floral compositions, so his personnal office can be filled with them
  • Nowadays, Lola's flowershop is placed under Ganondorf's agency protection. If anyone dared deteriorating the place or suggesting to the it, the CEO himself would take care of the nuisance.
  • Lola absolutely adores holding her lover's hands, often comparing height with her baby hands.