


7 years, 24 days ago


Artwork to Klub: DAV IS IN THE KLUB

Artwork to Crystal Form: 7/40


Name: Davarin Helios




Sexual Orientation:
Dominant Pansexual

Art, travelling, antiques, unique things, history, stories of all kinds, beautiful things, music, Archaeology, mythology.

Hunting (why hunt and be messy when you can have retainers who'll just let you have their blood?), liars, people who try to be things they're not, business meetings (he finds them so utterly boring), boring/lazy lovers

Languages Known: Dav, like Daisha is a polyglot, a handy thing given their occupations. English, French, Italian, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, working on his Russian and German.

Travelling, trying new things, acquiring new and rare items.

Occupation: Co-owner of "Relic House: Antiquities, Art and Artifacts "

Personal Info: The elder (by two minutes, but who's counting? ^_~ ) twin brother of Daisha, they are mirror images of each other. He likes to joke that she got the brains and the beauty while he got the height and the silver tongue.

Dav is a very worldly and traveled individual and as such he's got an extensive knowledge of histories and mysteries, mythologies and cultures. Both he and his sister are frighteningly clever and sharp and charming, but where his sister is more on the business and legal savvy side with a reputation for knowing all the ins and outs of any and all laws (a fact he is most grateful for as it helps with his acquisitions), Dav is a born entrepreneur. He has a gift of the tongue (in more ways than one) and can talk any salesman into buying their own wares. With his background in history and mythology, he can spin just the right story, tailored specifically to each individual client. His domineering stature combined with a voice and laugh that is like warm, deep velvet, he can have everyone in any room enraptured by his presence within seconds. And you can bet he uses this to his advantage any chance he can get, as he doesn't think he should have to pay full price for anything. More often than not, he doesn't. And free is even better.

He does quite enjoy being the center of attention and can perhaps be a bit vain at times, though he truly is a very laid back man who simply enjoys beautiful things. He prefers lovers and friends who are genuine, with a preference for the unique when it comes to markings and colour sand is a huge sucker for freckles, though he will flirt with pretty much everyone as he's quite open with his affections and compliments and isn't afraid to make it known if he fancies someone. Though do note, that his sister is first and foremost the most important person to him and he will drop whatever it is he is doing should she call. Despite being easy going and knowing she is fully capable of taking care of herself, he is quite protective of his sister and will not hesitate to put someone in their place should they insult or harm her. While the twins are incredibly close, bathing and cuddling and napping together, they are not sexual partners. This doesn't stop rumors from flying, and quite a few people assume the twins are incestuous. Neither one cares to bother correcting this, though, and they have no problems what so ever in both pursuing the same bamharr (sometimes calling dibs or other methods of settling the matter of who gets to go for it first, but will never share one lover at the same time).

The twins are constantly hosting parties at their mansion and they are widely known to be some of the best parties for making new and profitable connections as anyone who is anyone is there.

Their business, Relic House, is part museum, part shop. They carry a wide variety of old and ancient wares as well as modern and new arts of all kinds. And everything is for sale for the right price. If they don't have it, they offer a special service to acquire it. Any and all artists are welcome to have their works hosted by them for free, and only ask for a small percentage should they sell.

Current Artists Hosted:
Piotr, Vilina, Mimi

Relationships: (Looking for anything and everything!)
Romantic Partners: None yet

Frequent Lovers: Piotr, Dita (often at the same time >.>), Dot, https://toyhou.se/852483.gretchen">Gretchen, Bellaire, Kao Lin, Gerda

Casual Lovers: Luminara, Cataleya, Morrigan, Antiva, Esme, Mimi, Hibernis, Kaja 

Family: Daisha (twin sister)

Other: Gretchen (secretary), Fae ( often help each other out finding items)

Clients: Odile, Moirai Sisters, Margot, Adela

Hosted Artists: Piotr

LOOKING FOR: Anything and everything! Throw me ideas!