Poppy Yahn



3 years, 1 month ago



The child would look much like her mother, was her frame not so teeny tiny. Small in the extreme, Poppy is without a doubt a runt in the Maddox clan. As it is, tiny paws suggest that her size will always been on the smaller side, and the lean, fawn-like legs that lead up from these honestly don't look like they could hold much more weight than they already do. Her body is slim but not malnourished - family have seen to that - and while she will never have a particularly voracious appetite, her slenderness is not for want of a good meal. Her delicate face is angular, but far from unpleasant to look upon. Overall, the child appears fragile, as though the slightest knock might break her tiny form.

In reality the fall-coated wolf is tougher than she looks, and this deceptive appearance has been used to her advantage more than once in the past. In scraps she will often be underestimated, giving her an initial advantage. While she is certainly far from the strongest or most robust of creatures, the lass has surprising speed over short distances. This helps not only in spars, but also in hunting and general tomfoolery.

The fur that cloaks the child's body somehow seems to have retained the softness of puppy fur, though the follicles are indeed that of an adult wolf. The colour is that which her mother too has worn throughout life; a rich agouti, the colours swirling and dancing with the same merriness with which the child skips through life. Sapphire eyes are the main trait passed down from her father, and they sit prettily within the delicate face, naturally wide and innocent.


As tiny as she may be, Poppy is rather oblivious to her miniature stature. Having worshipped her mother as a child, the tiny creature fully believes that she's just as large, powerful and physically adept as the much older woman. A tiny spitfire, she's fearless in the face of danger, and this rashness has a tendency to lead her right into its path. Fiercely protective of family, she'll jump to the defence of those she cares for without a second thought, not particularly bothered as to whether they can in fact take care of themselves.

Innocent and naïve, she doesn't really see the world as a dangerous place. Although she can be confrontational if she feels the situation calls for it (slightly more often than one might expect) Poppy actually spends most of her time skipping about in a happy little bubble. Until provided with evidence to the contrary, she assumes that every stranger is nice and wants to be her friend. She will forgive a lot, but will eventually get the hint that her company might not be wanted. Unfortunately she tends to take rejection rather to heart, and will become very upset when her advances are rebutted.

Feeling emotions strongly but fleetingly, it doesn't take the girl long to get over things that completely devastated her but hours before. It's not to say that she's forgotten the events; simply that she felt the emotions so strongly that they couldn't last for long. And after all, why choose to be unhappy?


Alive | Deceased | Unknown

Darin Yahn (Mate)
 - Ferris Yahn (Son)
 - Nikolas Yahn (Son)
 - Cree Yahn (Daughter)

Lithium Maddox (Grandfather) & Tamara O'Shanter (grandmother)
 - Siv Maddox (Mother) & Idris Maddox (Father)
   - Bragi Maddox (Brother)
   - Baldr Maddox (Brother)
   - Tamara Maddox (Sister)
   - Tarragon Maddox (Brother)
 - Valdur Maddox (Uncle)
 - Skuld Maddox (Uncle)

Tamlin O'Shanter (Great Uncle) & Ruffen O'Shanter (Great Uncle)
Carbon Maddox (Great Uncle), Krypton Maddox (Great Uncle), Indium Maddox (Great Aunt) & ZInc Maddox (Great Aunt)


Later, maybe