
3 years, 1 month ago





Although at first glance the woman might appear soft and sweet, only a fool would make the assumption that her personality must match. Strong-willed and stubborn to a fault, Hera is idealistic and resolute in her morals. Whether those ideals and morals line up with ordinary societal expectations depends on the subject, but that’s hardly the point! Like a dog with a bone, when the woman gets an idea in her head there’s little that can be done to dissuade her from pursuing it. When challenged, she has a temper hot enough to match the heat of her coat – truly that rage can be a sight to behold.

Most often lately that temper has been being unleashed upon her mate. She’s well aware of Zeus’ infidelities and to a point is willing to put up with it. She loves the brute and knew what she was getting herself into when he “chose” her. She could have refused – he might be a bully but she was certain he wouldn’t have taken her as his wife against her will – but in truth, she loved (and still does) love the very bones of the man. When not lashing out and fighting with one another, they fit together like two halves of one whole, and Hera is confident that no amount of betrayal or womanizing would be able to fill the space she occupied in his life, should she leave.

Of course, she resents the infidelities – particularly when he fails to be discreet about them. More than that, she’s a powerful personality in her own right, and will not tolerate having her thoughts and opinions dismissed. There is little more readily able to rile the golden woman then being shrugged off or accused of paranoia.

She’s not always ferocious and abrasive, of course. Take a sidestep from the fury of a woman scorned and disregarded, and you’ll find a truly empathetic soul. Hera spends her life keyed into the emotions of those around her and has a natural (but uncommon) insight into their emotions. To those she likes she is caring and protective – celebrating and grieving right along with them through their highs and lows.


Zeus (mate)
 - Dionysus (son)
 - Ares (son)
 - Hebe (daughter)