★ KEY KEEPER's Comments

Just a question but would u look at offers on them?:0

I'm extremely tentative with them and will most likely decline, but I'll be happy to look at offers!

Alr! Feel free too look around my TH or if u look for something special just tell.me so I can look what I find :0

Or just if u find someone but dont wanna trade this bab just tell me!

I looked through your Toyhouse, and there were some that actually did get my attention (I mainly am referring to your "others" folder since your beans folder is NFT/S. One such character is https://toyhou.se/6778602.potato). Though I do think I'll hang onto this bab!

Oh you like potato?:0 if u want him im down to trade him! And feel free to tell me who u like c: (sorry if i understand something wrong my english isnt the best)

I also really like this bab!:0 https://toyhou.se/9262455.rascal#29512434

Well if I can say one thing, the Renakii designs you have are really cute!

3 Replies


Sure! Can you DM me your PP e-mail? 💖