Shevran (Shev)



3 years, 1 month ago



[ ...galactic republic passport verified. ]



 Trans Man 






 43 BBY 






 6' 4" 


 360 lbs 


The Four of Us Are Dying - Nine Inch Nails



 [Personality]:   Caring 
 [Attitude]:   Friendly 

 [Abilities]:   Force Sensitive 

 [Strength]:   •Physical strength, brute force
 • Emotional force use
 • Big build, withstand damage 

 [Weakness]:   •Lacks lightsaber training
 • Force use unstable
 • Can't perform force concealment 










Tattoos 1


Tattoos 2

 Height   Content 
 Weight   Content 
 Body type   Content 
 Face shape   Content 
 Hairline   Content 

Facial features

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit. Morbi nec ex in mi fermentum gravida. Pellentesque quis dapibus nisi, eget malesuada purus.

Scars & marks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit. Morbi nec ex in mi fermentum gravida. Pellentesque quis dapibus nisi, eget malesuada purus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit. Morbi nec ex in mi fermentum gravida. Pellentesque quis dapibus nisi, eget malesuada purus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit. Morbi nec ex in mi fermentum gravida. Pellentesque quis dapibus nisi, eget malesuada purus.

Design notes

  • Add a note.
  • And another one.
  • You can add more than five if you want.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.



Force Use

Living on Dathomir most of his life, he has very limited knowledge on other planets, cultures, war, and the Sith and Jedi. Since he doesn’t know much about them the Sith and the Jedi. this effects his perception of the force and its sides. He doesn’t understand the Jedi’s restriction on emotions and he doesn’t understand the Sith’s use of festering with emotions to gain power. Following the nightsister code, he has the belief that emotion is an important factor of living life, and should not be repressed. The nightsister code speaks of using the dark side, but not being consumed by it, which is how he uses the force.

thinks of the force as an extension of the self, and it shows in the way he uses it. When using the force, he does a lot of motions, as if he was controlling a large invisible hand. He will make very specific gestures and movements as if he was grabbing or moving things with his own hands. Ex: When levitating and spinning a small object. Instead of simply holding the object above the palm and spinning it with the mind, Shevran would spin the object with his other hand, as if he was physically turning it.

Since Shevran views force differently, he has fiddled around with both the light-side and the dark-side. Since the dark-side is easier and quicker to use/learn, and also the first type of force-use he experienced, he almost exclusively uses it. He has practiced with the light-side, as using your emotions all the time can be draining and unhealthy. He finds it a lot more challenging, resulting in him having only limited use of it. He would only be able to move and lift small objects.

Being emotional, he can very easily channel the dark-side and be able to produce large strong short bursts of force-use. This comes at a disadvantage though, as he can very easily break or harm things. He struggles to try and be gentle and precise in his force-use. This makes him very wary of using the force in delicate situations. If he must try and be delicate, he may try to use the light-side, but it is more difficult. Along with his strong force use, he is also physically strong. This also makes him wary about his strength outside of force use. He tends to interact with things very gently and carefully. If he concentrates, he can assist his physical strength, by partially lifting and levitating objects at the same time. Since it takes a lot of focus and strength, he relies on using both for really heavy or strong items, such as heavy-duty metal structures.


Growing up part of the Nightsister's coven on Dathomir, Shev was under the guidance of Mother Talzin and his older sisters. Shev was one of the few sisters with both Zabrak parents, which gave him his horns, a distinguishing trait of Zabrak. Being a sister, he still retained his pale skin, while the Nightbrothers had more colorful skin.

Ever since he saw his first Nightbrother at the Nightsister's lair, he was always intrigued. He always tried to catch a peek at them or try and interact with them. These Nightbrother's paid him no mind, as he was a young sister and not their "mistress". But soon Shev got his chance to actually meet Nightbrothers, when he was sent with one of his older sister's to travel to the Nightbrother's village. Shev was very excited to visit, but had to try and maintain his cool, as was the way of the Nightsisters. After being granted permission, by his older sister, he was able to more fully interact with the Nightbrothers and actually meet some brothers his age.

While learning basic fighting skills and magick techniques, Shev had more expeditions to the Nightbrother village. He very quickly realized that the Nightbrother village was the place he wanted to be. He would always be loyal to his fellow sisters and the coven itself, but it dawned on him that what he really wanted was to be a Nightbrother.

After this realization, and completing some of his first studies, Shev went to Mother Talzin for proper guidance. Shev told Mother Talzin his predicament, and asked her if he could somehow grant his wish. Seeing how important this was to Shev and realizing the possible future benefits, Mother Talzin decided to help Shev. She warned Shev that not only could the process be painful, he would also never be able to be high ranking in the society or become a strong powerful witch, Shev did not falter. Using her strong magick skill, Mother Talzin, along with the help of other sisters, Shev was laid on a table and was infused with magick. Mother Talzin was able to mold Shev into a more masculine form, making him taller and broader. After Mother Talzin was finished, in exhaustion and relief, Shev got up off the table and knelt before Mother Talzin, thanking her and telling her that he will never forget what she did for him. Mother Talzin told Shev that even though he was now a brother, she would always trust him as a sister.

In his new form, Shev lived with the Nightsisters for a few weeks. This period gave him time to adjust. He was no longer allowed to aid in magick rituals, but he was still able to help his sisters. Soon after being infused with magick, he noticed a stronger connection to the force. Being born on Dathomir, which is has a very strong presence of the dark side of the force, Shev always felt the force. Now it seemed to be louder and more present than ever, enveloping him with heightened energy. He went to Mother Talzin and asked her if it was due the magick that she infused into him. Even though Mother Talzin had infused him with magick, it was not meant to make him more powerful, it was only to change form. Sensing that it was something else, Mother Talzin asked Shev how he was feeling. Shev responded by stating that this was the happiest he had ever been. Mother Talzin tested his force sensitivity by asking him to move a small object that laid on the table. Shev quickly and easily shoved the object into the wall on the opposite end of the table. Seeing that her decision to help Shev was a very beneficial decision, she advised Shev to continue practicing using the force.

Shev was then brought to the Nightbrother's village and introduced to its inhabitants as Shevran, instead of his Nightsister name Shevranj Shev was quite the sight. Most Dathomirian Zabrak males were brought to the village at a very young age, dropped off to be raised by the Nightbrothers. But here was Shev, with he's strange pale skin, few facial tattoos, and older age. The sisters that dropped him off explained that Shev was raised in the coven and would need to be properly trained to be a Nightbrother. Due to his lack of Nightbrother training, Shev was placed into a class of young Nightbrothers. He was also positioned to live in the classes' living quarters, acting as the new supervision. Being a very exuberant and friendly person, Shev quickly became a favorite of the children, even being given the nickname "Blanky" for his lack of tattoos.

Even though he was now a Nightbrother now, Shev was still generally respected by the Nightsisters. Many of the older Nightsisters knew of his origins, no longer casually interacting with him but nor demeaning him as they would with other Nightbrothers. Even though he didn't do it often, Shev was one of the few Nightbrothers that could actually speak up towards a sister. He was not afraid to speak his mind, if he felt it was necessary.

Sed malesuada ac lorem laoreet bibendum. Nulla gravida est est, nec euismod ante volutpat sit amet. Mauris porttitor mauris magna, quis elementum felis luctus ac. Aenean lacus dui, pellentesque vel auctor eu, suscipit et enim. Quisque ultrices elit fermentum dolor iaculis auctor. Nam luctus risus lorem, quis mattis lectus faucibus dapibus. Donec elit turpis, mattis id lobortis non, commodo in elit.


Praesent in euismod ligula. Sed consequat nibh sit amet turpis tempus, vitae sodales nisl aliquet. Vestibulum congue elit vel sollicitudin fermentum. In id mollis turpis. Sed interdum tempus posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque accumsan turpis et volutpat rutrum.

[ ...6 people connected to this person were found. ]


Padawan Korryn

[ Caretaker ]

A young jedi padawan that seems to have taken a liking to Shevran. Our records indicate this padawan as quite a troublemaker and a hassle to control. This resulted in an exception being made, as Shevran was one of the few able to handle the child.


A Coruscant prison guard reassigned, from the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, to monitor and escort Shevran. As a trained shock trooper, CT-7273 is equipped with an electrostaff to restrain Shevran if necessary.


Nightsister ???

[ Mother ]

She raised Shevran until he was 18 years of age, where he underwent the "Sleeper Ritual" and relocated to the Nightbrother Village.


Nightsister Jhesh

[ Childhood Friend ]

Being in the same age group, Shevran and Jhesh grew up together and soon became close friends. Together they learned the Nightsister techniques in magick, hunting, and fighting. When Shevran moved to the Nightbrother Village, Jhesh furthered her training and became a skilled hunter and Nighsister witch.


Nightbrother Viscus

[ Leader and Mentor ]

The leader of the Nightbrothers, Viscus' acceptance of Shevran allowed him to quickly adapt and fit into the village. Assisting Shevran in becoming a proper Nightbrother, he became a mentor and almost like a father figure to him.


Mother Talzin

[ Clan Mother ]

Clan Mother of the Nighsisters, Mother Talzin was an important figure in Shevran's life. She allowed Shevran to become a Nightbrother, as he had requested. Mother Talzin had instructed Shevran to travel to Coruscant on a mission, resulting in him meeting Korryn and CT-7273.