


3 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Apollion

AKA: Lord Apollion / God (he is actually a demigod. Only called that by his people/followers) 

Age: ????

Gender: Male (Intersex. He/Him, They/Them)

Species: Ocean Demigod. 

One of the many gods of the Ocean. Was a defacto god of "Antlantis" in some beliefs, which later turned out to be entirely false. He did rule over a similar kingdom, but that one was always underwater, with his people being closely related to merfolk. He was, however, known to grant power to other Gods, Demigods, and other beings. 

He is a kind ruler, who is as strong as almost any God, but prefers to stay away from big feats and being grandly known or revered. Not many know of his existence, and he prefers it that way. He is a demigod only in status, as he has refused many times to be put in the same pedestal as other Gods. Not many even know of his actual strength/power. 

He is the father of Korin and Xepher, along with other characters not yet named or who still need a page here.