


3 years, 1 month ago


Kittybots are a semi-open species created by kinqley

Name: Kono

Production Number: #271

Body Model: X1

Fun Facts about Kono:

He's around 6'8, which makes him a decently tall bot.

Coffee and books, thats all he needs to have a peaceful day.

Can only remember the most basic details, unless It's really important to him, then he will remember it fully.

Somehow lives without a master, despite multiple people willing to take him in.

Akward, but really social, mostly seen in chill places, chatting with other KB's.

Can only express happiness and sadness properly, all other expressions end up looking clunky, almost like he's ignorant.

Also can be hurt physically really easily, due to him being made for the purpose of non-heavy work.

A lil backstory thingy(big boi WIP):

Basically, he was made in a batch for work purposes. He got dispatched into a coffee shop. Everything was going well, till some of the costumers ended up tearing his tail a little by accident, over and over again. Eventually, Kono started having a hard time recollecting some of the most important parts of his job, which resulted into the shops owner to send him away. Instead of throwing him into a trash bin after de-activating him, he rewrote all Kono's job memories, and replaced them with a single line "Focus on the most important things."

Kono, without having any idea what his purpose was, started taking in as much basic info as he could, looking at posters, borrowing books from libraries to learn as much as he could. Eventually, he got a decent grasp at how living a normal life as someone like him works, and started to work at one of his favourite libraries, doing a p swell job. Even if he forgot most needed info, his work was appreciated by the library owner, who became like a mentor to him.

One day, Kono was going over to a truck to pick up stock, and accidentally bumped into ___. Instantly, he apologised to the other kittybot, doing his best to show that he meant no ill intent. ___ sighed, looking down at Kono, due to his size. ___ explained that he didn't mind, offering to help out Kono, since a job like his must take a toll on his wiring. Kono, a little bit wary, accepted ___ help, and the 2 of em while chatting, dropped off all the stock. As the two kittybots went back outside, ___ proposed that they would hangout the next day, and Kono agreed.

And that's how Kono finally found a friend, and then moved to live with em after a while, he still helped out in the library, but mostly just, spent his time with ___.

oh and ___ is a kittybot that I will be making sooner or later, once i get the moola to purchase the things I need to make em! 
