Clover Bailey



3 years, 6 months ago


Clover Bailey

4.8 sweeps . agender . ???

Clover is an incredibly wary person, it’s hard to gain their trust, but Kaylee managed (even though it took years). Clover has separation anxiety, which is understandable considering everything that’s happened to them.

To people who are not Kaylee, Clover can be incredibly quiet and shy, if approached and it’s unwanted they can get aggressive, though usually they edge more on the flight side of fight or flight. For a 10 year old Clover is surprisingly intuitive, and can usually guess who is a danger and who isn’t, though it’s not foolproof. Around Kaylee more of their personality shines through, they can be kinda huffy and prone to little tantrums, and likes to make drawings on old trash.

" kaylee ssays im not ‘lowwed to talk to you rright now "

. . . .
Species troll
Designer me
Value n/a
Obtained by designed em
Status not for sale

  • Oliveblood
  • Typing Quirk: doubles r's and s's, "oh grreat thiss iss grreat"
  • is a feral child in a commune of feral children
  • Handle: hissKitty
  • Classpect: Bard of Hope

Personal History

Clover had a pretty normal wigglerhood right up until The Merge. They loved their lusus and lived a life pretty free of turmoil (at least by Alternian standards). They were orphaned at age 4 (years), and lived on the streets for half a sweep before being taken in by Kaylee. While it started somewhat reluctant on both ends, eventually Clover and Kaylee learned to trust/like each other and eventually they joined The Clan together.

Kaylee Taylei
Best Friend

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Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.