Jill Amity-Kane



3 years, 1 month ago


"That's the one who shot that pirate lord in the head in the middle of truce? Yeah, these Gunslingers are nuts, but Amity-Kane might be a new level of hardass. They apparently won't let her do delicate stuff after killing that pirate. Too bad though, that's what pirates deserve. Oh, I also heard you can see Amity-Kane in a crowd real easy because she wears a ton of pink. Maybe she got it from Raspberry Barr, I heard they were close before Barr went pirate. I don't doubt there's a world of bad blood between 'em now. A girl who'd break parley just to kill pirates, with her old friend turned pirate? That'll be a meeting I'd love to see. Well, maybe not within revolver range."

-Overheard on a LRD barracks ship

As a young bystander, Jill found herself the lone survivor of an immense shootout that claimed twenty eight lives, including a Gunslinger and another holy relic user. Recalling her grandparents’ old stories about Stellar Armaments, Jill curiously picked up the revolver off the fallen Gunslinger and has regretted it ever since. That revolver was Sound Tracer, the Stellar Armament representing the Knowledge aspect of the Unseen Star. And, like every Gunslinger, she became bound to it until death separated them both. As much as she wanted a normal life not filled with death and lead, she made the most of what she had. She decided to live up to the old stories of Gunslingers righting wrongs, and joined SLEDGE. 

She is the most junior, in both age and experience, of the surviving pre-war SLEDGE Gunslingers and was Stella Barr’s unofficial protege for all of two years. That’s where she got the name “Strawberry”, after Stella’s “Raspberry”, due to Jill’s insistence on wearing pink. Nowaday she is known as “the Law: In Pink”, a name that Hawk swears up and down he has had nothing to do with. Her opinion of Stella plummetted after Stella cut off all contact and became a pirate. Stars only know what will happen if the two ever meet again. She currently works as one of the League’s head-smashers, and is known for her blunt problem-solving, culminating in Jill infamously shooting a pirate lord in the head in the middle of negotiations. That likely has something to do with why she is mainly sent on less than delicate missions.