J'aecar Tia



3 years, 1 month ago


J'aecar Tia

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Miqo'te
Role: Bard
Owner: Wiree
Designer: Wiree
CSS: Eggy




Write an intro for your character here - keep it short and to the point. Think like the summary on the back of a book!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla.


J'aecar displays a rather relaxed and aloof exterior upon meeting him, leaving many to remark him as reserved or tough to strike conversation with. Despite his stand-offish appearance, J'aecar is actually quite protective and caring towards those he is close to and considers his friends. He would never label himself a hero but wouldn't blink twice on taking a blow or two for loved ones or those they're bonded to.

Unfortunate to some, J'aecar is somewhat comical, adding a bit of levity to situations that are otherwise serious. Underneath this, though, he is quite perceptive in terms of reading other people and acknowledging changes within his surroundings; likely referenced back to his training as a traditional clan hunter. He's fairly calm, serious, and level-headed in combat despite his more care-free personality traits labeling him as a bit of a wild card who's moves can be a challenge to pin down.

J'aecar is notably known as a flirt, or charmer, to a lot of women he meets and waves it off as merely being a kind gentlemen. His flirtaious nature has gotten the lad into a bit of trouble here and there especially when he's had a few drinks. The cat lacks his usual filter when his cheeks are warm and his head is fuzzy. Still, J'aecar holds a lot of respect for womanly figures and will not stand by if someone else decides to think otherwise. He was primairly raised by women with the attitude of acknowledging they can do just about anything they set their mind to and more. Otherwise, the cat's other noticeable traits would lie in his strong-will, blunt speaking, and unwavering position on the things he believes in.




Created: 20th of March, 2021
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Green (left), Sky Blue (right)
Hair: White w/ Blonde Tips
Layered Short w/ Long Bangs
Demeanor: Laid Back
Notes: Scar on left eye
Markings are faint, nearly invisible
Has a terrible habit of leaning mostly on his right leg


Central Thanalan/Gridania
28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Chaotic Good
Bounty Hunter
Shinji Hirako - Bleach(DUB)
Playing his lyre
Small or cramped spaces




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.



Laila Okoyo


Were it not for J'aecar substaining a near fatal wound, it is unlikely these two would have met otherwise, but he's quick to reassure others he does not mean those words in any ill-will. Laila and the Okoyo clan were kind enough to ween J'aecar back to health upon finding him in the Shroud close to their home, allowing the man to build quite a relationship with them, despite their secretive nature. Laila, having spent the majority of his time there teaching him all she could tell the outsider of the clan, has certainly become J'aecar's closest connection within the Okoyo. Things could not stay as they were, however, as the man eventually healed and would need to be on his way. It was an odd feeling with J'aecar graciously thanking each member for taking care of him when he departed. He recently reunited with Laila by pure chance while scooping a local fight scene. J'aecar is very grateful to have her company again and is eager to help Laila along her spiritual journey set upon by the Okoyo clan.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam.