Ad Infinitum Ouroboros



3 years, 2 months ago


“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you…” -Richard Adams, 'Watership Down'.



Name: Ad Infinitum Ouroboros (Adin, Ouroboros).
Gender: Male.
Age: 25.
Height: 7’0.
Birthday: 7/22.
Sexual orientation: Bisexual, monogamous.
Profession: N/A.


Adin is a pretentious, generally snobby man with an affinity for classic literature and all things history. A show off, but also extremely easy to make a fool out of, Adin is out of touch with the lives of the ordinary people around him. He grew up as the prince of a grand kingdom, nannied by a religious woman who he spent most of his time with, and as a result he is obsessed with the concepts of sin and temptation. There was a lot of it in his life, after all, since in his kingdom the rich got richer while the poor got poorer, the ruling class feasting upon elaborate spreads of food while the less fortunate starved in the streets.

Growing up, Adin was forbidden from interacting with anyone who wasn’t from a rich family, which led him to discover that the palace was not all that it seemed to him. While out of touch, he is socially aware, and has the good sense to know he grew up much more fortunate than those around him. Despite this, he is still largely insufferable, an unfortunate quirk of his personality.

After a politically motivated attempt on his life he was forced into hiding, commanded by his father to travel the world in order to hide himself. During this time he met someone that would soon become his downfall. Blinded by the force of temptation, Adin was soon swept up in a relationship that was forbidden, and upon his return to his kingdom he was banished for life, stripped of his royal title and forced into the vast unknown of the world without a penny to his name. Despite his spoiled upbringing, he is rather eager to learn, and seems to find joy in roughing it out- eventually. He has a lot to learn before he will ever be considered normal, but he‘s certainly trying.

Ouroboros finds joy in exploring the temptations that the world can offer him, sampling from the branches of trees, indulging in base desires, enjoying himself.

Likes: Fresh fruit, sauced meats, fur, classic literature, silk, precious metals, the scent of freshly chopped wood, the flowering of nature to signify spring.
Dislikes: Blood, dirt, glitter, lace, the smell of smoke, alcohol, being the center of attention.

Extras: Ad Infinitum Ouroboros was the single heir to the throne. In his absence his kingdom has faced collapse because of the political unrest and tension between the two kingdoms that his forbidden relationship caused. Adin is wholly indifferent to this.