


3 years, 2 months ago

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Name: kamarie
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5'11 ft

Kamarie lives in canopy trees, however he has a set up big enough for a whole family, he resides there alone. Said set up even goes all the way up to emergent trees. He isnt stingy however! Many birds live in his set of homes, he doesnt mind one bit. It makes for some great company.

Kamarie likes to study plant life, any type and how it plays into their environment. What animals prefer it to their diets, and how it helps. He has plenty of study images plastered around the rooms, books with extensive research and knowledge, as well as a study room filled with plants.

His home is accessable.... If you can fly, or if youre one hell of a climber. He does have a very, very long ladder he can toss out. But its mostly meant for his land dwelling friends. However they rarely visit the main home. He has a small hang out at the very bottom of his trees where he invites all his friends.

Diet: omnivore (eats fruits and vegetations, any small prey animals)

Funfacts: has passive soaring wings. such wings allow him to take advantage of columns of hot air. This lets him soar without reliable wind currents.