Ella Beaumont



3 years, 2 months ago


Vlad is her little brother, she cares a lot about him and sometimes offers advice when he needs it. Cody is her older brother and gets along with him really well. They sometimes team up to plan ways to spend time with Vlad when he least expects it. She meets Astrid from Vlad and quickly becomes friends. She admires her fashion sense and thinks she's cool. She also meets Draven from Vlad and she loves him like a little brother and loves seeing Vlad have a little friend of his own. She hasn't really met Judson or Andres but hears Cody talk about them often. Ella helps Vlad maintain his hair's health and color when the roots grow in with her experience of having to keep up with her own hair. Her hair is naturally black! She loves taking pictures of herself and adding filters but also has many of Cody and Vlad and their dad that she likes looking back at, some of them being candid. 

She occasionally writes as a hobby but puts a lot of effort in her stories when she does