


3 years, 2 months ago


Break My Stride

Need any help here ?

level: 500
nickname: The Blue Mist
height: 205cm
gender: male (he/him or they/them)
species: Fox
orientation: gay
spirit rank: Ameonna
occupation: Crime Cleaner for Onirique

He has no proper home, as he spends all their free time traveling across Evergarden. So they sometimes sleep under the stars, in forgotten temples or in the homes of people he meets and helps.

They don't need any other jobs and work for Onirique as a crime scene cleaner only for ""fun"".



He's extremely supportive and altruistic and will always help anyone in trouble even if it's a complete stranger. They're very reliable and nothing will ever be half finished with him ! They often even go beyond what's expected.

His enthusiastic and carring nature make them a very positive person and overall a perfect person to ask for emotional support.They're also very hardworking and he's dedicated to his job, maybe a bit too much sometimes.


  • Being alone in Nature
  • His friends
  • Mushrooms, Melon, Dango and Berries
  • Helping others
  • Singing and Sketching what they see in the forests
  • Discovering new things
  • Travelling
  • Large crowd
  • Spicy food, Alcohol and Cheese
  • To fail to help anyone
  • Fights/Competition
  • Making someone uncomfortable
  • People being afraid of him
  • Not having enough sleep

  • He often hides it but they're very sensitive to other's opinions and take things very personnaly when you critic or disagree with them.
  • They're also overly humble and almost never take any well deserved credits of any kind for his hard work. He can also be overcommitted in helping someone that it makes them feel overwhelmed, but in fear of hurting someone he'll just keep it for himself.
  • But they know when they're being taken advantages of. They're not blind by any mean.
Design Notes

  • Trees and moss coming out of his horns are not opt !
  • They have 2 ofudas attached to their horns (opt.)
  • His teeth and claws are made out of wood
  • Their blood are literal trees
  • They're pretty muscular

He smells like the forest, but not in a bad way, but rather the fresh smell of walking alone in the deep woods.

They only have practical clothes almost no jewleries.



Fog Generation (comes from the fact that they're an Ameonna)

Mountain's Blood

Can grow trees (using his blood)

Foggy Escape

Portal Generations (2 per days, needs Haze)


Fae Best Friend

They've known each other for quite a while now, he used to hang out as often as possible with them until Jubilae came every nights to see her. Seing that his friends is now in good hands made them feel pure hapiness and relief, that finally she would never be alone ever again. T'ill this day they still are very close and they never hesitate to help each other out. They often hang out the 3 of them and Moggy shares his adventures with the 2 girls. Other than that, they also come to Onirique's after work party every Friday but Fae and Jubilae comes a bit later due to Fae's condition.

Jubilae Best Friend

They're very happy and grateful that she's Fae's lover, cause loving her can be a challenge due to their curse. But Jubilae is not easily defeated and Moggy loves her bold yet carring attitude. Actually, they've admitted that at first he was a big scared of her due to her strong language and punk mind. But never judge a book by its cover ! He's extremely happy to be friend with her