⚜️ Viktor ⚜️



3 years, 7 months ago



"I shall bright brighter than the sun itself !"

level: 776
nickname: The chosen one
height: 180cm
gender: male (he/him)
species: Fox
orientation: bisexual
spirit rank: Shinigami
occupation: Boss of the Sacrés (a sect) + gang member

He lives in a small city called Éden, in the main temple of his own sect "The Sacrés". He inherits of his position after an unfortunate accidents where his old mentor died in a fire. He's now the head leader of an old Cult around a golden being with multiple wings, his cult has around 500 faithfuls all living in Éden.

He joined the gang after Nyx saw his impressive abilities, he truly felt appreciated and grateful, he's fully devoted to the gang.



As a leader he has to be charismatic, he's an excellent charmer and manipulator. But he's very prideful and arrogant, he have a high opinion of himself and have a hard time being surpassed by someone else he doesn't fully recognise as better than him.

Yet he's very calm and knows how to please, but he's sometimes very impatient and doesn't care much about people's feelings especially when he loses his temper. However, if he notices he hurted someone he likes he'll be genuinely embarrassed of himself and will try everything he can to make it up.


  • His guns
  • His Sect
  • Fighting and winning
  • Meat, Alcohol and apple pie
  • Playing piano
  • Cooking
  • Sports
  • Having messy hair
  • Losing
  • Rain
  • Making someone cry
  • Asking for help
  • Cheater
  • Being yelled at

  • He doesn't know how to react when someone's crying because he's afraid it might be a trick, but when it happens to someone he appreciate he'll hug and comfort the person to try to calm them down.
  • He's very selfish but he tries his best to be generous from time to time, to the surprise of everyone else, because when he acts like that it often means he have a favour to ask you.
  • He's very competitive, he only plays or fight to win, but he never cheats because he wouldn't fully enjoys his victory.
Design Notes

  • His earring is not opt but can worn on either sides
  • His tattoos are not opt
  • He has arms made out of gold that are not opt
  • He has a golden scar on his neck
  • There are golden markings under both of his eyes

He's very proud of his tattoos, he doesn't care about other's opinions because they're shit to him.

He always wears the same earring, he likes the sounds it makes in the wind and the way it shines through his dark hair.

As expected he smells like money, a very expensive perfume I'd say mixed with a sweet smell.

His fashion style is very fancy and classy, almost only black and white with golden accents, it fits him well tho.


Lost in Paradise

Can create a closed space where he and his opponent cannot leave until one die (Takes a lot of energy)

Eyes of Heaven

Can see everything about a person unless they've protected their profile with a spell

God Save

Summoning multiple wings (up to 20)


Combining his 2 guns into a more fast and powerful one


Controlling 7 bullets at the same time (have to use Crucified)


Connor Best Friend

He's the one that Viktor prefers to compete with the most, they often fight but its never truly serious. They've known each other for quite some times now, but from the very thing I know, there used to be a time where something happened, something very serious. I don't know a lot, but since then it seems that their friendship is doing pretty well. But they have a hard time working together due to their very competive mindsets, they both always tries to surpass the other and mostly end up screwing-up the mission.

Doc Best Friend

Their mutual friendship and respect is something that he cherish a lot. Viktor helped Doc socialising with the group but not out of pity but because he was genuinely sad that the others couldn't enjoy his delightful company. Yet he don't quite know how Doc lives withtout wanting to compete. It's something that both scares and fascinates him.

Adelaide Best Friend?

He's very happy to be her best friend, she always puts a smile on his face and brighten his day with her daily pies, that she makes specially for him and Doc. The 3 of them work really well together and enjoy spending time outside of work together. He knows he can trusts her and she's one of the few that can actually calm him down. I think there's something going on bewteen the 2. I mean it's obvious that Adelaide has a crush on him, I think he knows but why doesn't he react ? It's too odd to be true. I gotta push my investigations further on that.