Safi Veles



3 years, 2 months ago


Safi Veles
Non-Binary (AFAB)
Smoke Genasi
Trickster Paladin of King Fool


Joyful • Proud • Hyper • Impulsive

A farm girl at heart, Safi Veles is off to discover new places, make new friends, and make as many people happy as they can along the way. Guided by their Ringleader, Safi's new to the Court of Fools but plans to make King Fool as happy as she can with their pranks and trickery.

Having grown up as an only child, she often tended to prank and make as many people smile as they could whenever they visited the far or when she accompanied her parents out to the local village to trade and sell their goods. After their twenty first birthday they were visited by King Fool and asked if they would like to go around and make more friends than she could ever imagine. Of course, Safi immediately said yes and started her journey to go find her new friends and make people's days just a little bit better wherever they go.


  • Trickery
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Making People Smile
  • Fashion


  • Gift Refusal
  • Boredom
  • Miscomunication
  • Being Alone
"Oh it's never a good time when a Jester sits still."


Growing up in a quiet town within the Provenance Dominion, Safi was always running around looking for some sort of chaos to get into when they were not helping out with her family's farm. She enjoyed seeing the smiles on people's faces when they caused mischeif and it was something that they wanted to continue seeing no matter how old they got. As they got older, she started learning about the gods as her parents didn't want to force any religion on her if they didn't feel religiously inclined at all. Even if her mother was very religious in following Pyre, the goddess persiding over the Forge and Light Domains. However Safi quickly fell in love with King Fool, deity of Trickery and Order there was something to them that Safi found herself intrigued by. Was it the chaos they promoted all while serving in the spirit of good fun? Probably. But they won't admit that.

She never thought she'd be anything more than a simple follower of the trickster deity, until one day when Safi and their family were celebrating the Blaze in their home town, Safi was lured out of the festivities by a figure dressed only in black and white. Knowing their religious docterine somewhat well, she gave chase and soon found herself face to face with the Trickster themselves. And after a quick dance, a lovely conversation, and a few shots later? Safi was on her way to the Moulded Shore in order to make some new friends and spread joy wherever their new friends took them. Oh, and spread a bit of chaos. After all what's a Trickster Paladin without a little mischief?


• No matter what, if Safi's wearing black and white there will always be one focal colour, usually purple.

• Their smoke hair can be dyed via powdered dye.

• In order to have crazy hairstyles, wireform headpieces are required for the smoke to cling to.

• Her eyes are a combination of their parents, red from her mother, dark blue from their father.

• They have faint circular scars around both of their wrists.


• Her favourite colours are dark stormy blue, and dark red.

• If she has something in a dark blue/grey colour scheme, she has a matching outfit in oranges/reds.

• Prefers clothes she's able to move around in easily, even if they're formal clothes.

• They love giving gifts of any kind!

• When they speak Primordial, it's a mixture of Auran and Ignan dialects due to her mixed heritage.

• She has a stockpile of itching powder and powdered dye on her at all times.




The first fool they met when arriving to the Moulded Shore, her Raven is quickly growing to becoming one of their closest friends. Although they still have a lot to learn about him, she doesn't mind a mystery or two left unsolved. At least for the meantime.



From the moment they met Safi was quickly interested in Lazarus, mainly for his ostentatious hat. But after a quick chat, Safi realized there was something more to him that piqued her curiosity. Although they do admit that his agreement to cure her bordem when the need arises was a major mistake that she's hoping he doesn't regret.



The first Fire Genasi Safi met after leaving her home, Vesryn was a welcome sight for Safi. They're still not quite sure what to make of him, but their inital conversation together was more than enough for Safi to realize that he was going to be a good friend of her's in the future.



With a rocky start to their relationship, Safi is trying her best to mend the fragile bond between them and Lovakri. From what Safi can tell, they're making small accomplishments in forging a bond between them, but only time will tell how their relationship develops.



Safi loves their fun-loving personality and energetic nature since the day they met, and while their relationship is also slightly rocky Safi believes they're on the path to becoming good friends. Their song playing and magic intrigues Safi beyond belief and as always she's curious about learning more about Eilleth as they grow closer as friends.

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