Dai Huan



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: 戴欢 Dai Huan

Courtesy Name: 诚亮 Chengliang

Swords Name: 伙伴 Huoban (meaning “partner, companion”)

Age: 14-15 (beginning of Sunshot Campaign)

         33-34 (post mdzs canon)

Height: 6’11 / 210 cm

Weight: 266 lbs  / 121 kg

Distinguishable marks: 

  • Two moles on forehead over the left eye (The one closest to the hairline slightly bigger)
  • Tall boy


  • Kind, brotherly
  • Friendly and Playful
  • Wears heart on his sleeve, does not have a good poker face
  • Can be a bit too gullible
  • Dramatic, part in good fun and part because he’s just like that
  • Hardworking, even if he lacks in the skills required, but he loves a nice lazy day and won't hesitate to enjoy it. 

Sect: TBA

Backstory: TBA


  • Parents (deceased)
  • Aunt and Uncle (deceased)
  • Cousin 1 (deceased)
  • Cousin 2 (living)
  • Younger sister, middle child (living)
  • Younger brother, youngest child (living)


  • His favorite animal are ducks!
  • Average cultivation skills. Could have possibly been more skilled at present time but focused many of his developing years helping his younger siblings form cores and train.
  • Has had trouble sitting still for long periods of times since he was a child. Can handle it better presently, especially if he gets short breaks periodically. 
  • Can be fidgety, especially when nervous. 
  • At first just him and his cousin go out to night hunt when they are able to, but once the younger two develop a strong enough core they go as well. In free time they farm and work in the town they have settled in.
  • He’s very much a “gentle giant” unless you mess with his family (or anyone he considers as part of it) then he can and will get violent. 
  • Was an average sized baby and continued to be within the average range until he was 6, then began his incredible growth spurts. By age 13 he was 5'7 / 170 cm.
  • Enjoys warm, pleasant afternoons but complains on the hottest days.
  • His most prized possession is a (amateurishly carved) wooden bird and clover knot. A gift from his younger siblings. He always has it on him.