David Daren



7 years, 6 days ago


David Daren

Hard working single dad


"I don't need to bite people, I can just get some stock at work"


Dave, Davey










Doctor, part of the medical team in Phantasy park.


Single (gay)



  • Nice cars, motorbikes and other rides
  • Zombie and racing games, he always plays them with Kao
  • Shopping, he spends a lot of money on clothes
  • Rock music, and popping it way too loud
  • Parkour, he loves to run the streets jumping over fences and all
  • Kids, he always liked kids and loves to play with them


  • Loud drunks who make a mess
  • Religions
  • Police, since they always treat him like a criminal for some reason
  • Day times, since he can't go out or anything, so all he can do is stay home even when he would like to take Kao somewhere fun, so he always has to ask one of his friends to take him instead
  • Paper work
  • Phone calls, he prefers texting


  • He has two cats
  • His hair used to be much longer, but Lemon decided to try what it would look like if he would tie it on a ponytail and just cut it off
  • He talks a lot in his sleep
  • He snaps his fingers a lot, when thinking or bored or remembering something
  • He paints his nails cos he has a bad habit of biting them if he sees the white tips
  • Does a really sassy stance when getting annoyed


"Don't talk to me or my son ever again."

David can seem like a selfish punk ass brat, but is actually a big softie, he gives off a vibe that would tell people to stay away from him, but he is the type to pick up things someone drops and run after them just to return it, feed stray animals and always go to ask if someone needs help if they seem troubled. 

He often sounds bored and he often avoids looking anyone into eyes and usually walks with his gaze to the ground, he isn't too talkative and prefers to not start conversations, but he does enjoy it when someone wants to be in his company, he actually often feels really lonely but he just isn't too good at making friends, he tends to chase everyone away from him by acting unsettling to some and having kinda dark humor. He is often bit worried to let anyone close since him being a vampire tends to be a game changer for many.

He has a great sense of humor and he is always ready to support others to his best abilities, he is really good at taking care of others after he gets past his awkwardnes.


  • Caring
  • Smart


  • He worries easy


  • Gaming


  • Pink
  • Band Nightwish
  • Devil may cry
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


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  •  Hair Color  Black 

  •  Eye Color  Red 

  •  Skin Color  Pale, freckled 

  •  Height  166cm 

  •  Clothing Style  Emo/scene 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

"Yea yea, I'm older than I look"

Skinny pale guy with sharp fangs, no muscle

Design Notes

  • 2000s emo boy.
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Davids son, they have great father/son relationship, they trust each other and David cares of him more than anything else in the world. They do sometimes argue or tease each other over stupid things, but can always get over it like a family. David was always determinded to be a better father than his was, and doesn't want to put pressure on Kao, hoping that he knows that when he does get mad at Kao, it's not to try to order him around, but because he cares for him and just wants him to know when he had done wrong, which he seems to do very well. Kao isn't afraid to joke about his dads sense of fashion at times as well



A police man who has always been super strict, David never really got along with him and used to rebel a lot, despite becoming a doctor like he had wished, David pretty much still keeps rebelling against everything he asks of him.




A half vampire, or something like it, David met on the street, he wanted to help him, so he started delivering blood to him so he didn't have to hurt anyone to stay alive. Yes is always the one David can talk to and they are really good friends and often chill together. David always trusts Yes to babysit Kao and he is the first choice to ask when something comes up with his work.




Davids ex-boyfriend, they dated few years, but then broke up just because Lemon wasn't really ready to commit in the end. They had became really good friends during those years tho, and this didn't change after their break up, they still hang out when ever Lemon is in the town, and he usually crashes at their house. Lemon also often takes care of Kao, and takes him to play with his little sister who Kao is good friends with.




Lemons little sister, David doesn't like her too much since she is always giving him the attitude, but she is really good friends with Kao despite this, so David tolerates her comments, tho he does try to tell her to tone it up a bit.




David thinks she is a silly girl, they don't have much in common, but David does enjoy getting cuddles and listening to her silly tales.




Well what a better duo than a vampire and a bat, the two are both considered these creatures of the night, and they do like to joke about this together. They listen to same kinda music and are always into sharing new bands with each other.




Co-workers! When David first came to order a drink with blood in it from the night cafe, Rico was immediately fashinated by him and started to ask if he was a vampire, and all about his life style and situation. While David was taken aback by this sudden interview, he actually found Rico to be really nice girl and actually found talking about his vampirism kinda therapeutic. They are pretty close and enjoy each others company and share some gossip.




A vampire and a werewolf, working as a security guard and a doctor, they may not be the closest of friends, but they spend a lot of time working together, and they def relate in the way that they both would just rather sleep. When they are left alone for too long, they usually both end up dozing off together.



David lived with his father, her mom had left him when David was 13, and he stayed with him, they didn't really get a long, and David started to dress up with punk and emo style just to annoy him, he started going to parties and doing stupid things, and started dating a demon boy who was his best friend, and during this time, he got bitten and became a vampire, he was around 16 that time, which ended up him looking so young. Despite keeping up rebelling against his dad, he still was a smart kid, and did study to become a doctor, he studied from home, since he couldn't attend school at day time anymore, and soon after getting a job as a doctor on night shifts, he moved out of his fathers house and got his own apartment, they broke up with his boyfriend around this time too, but they stayed friends. One evening, he found a japanese looking child from the hall of his building, David was confused and tried to wake up the sleeping boy, but he didn't react, he took the boy in and nursed him to health, boy seemed really distrustful and kept glaring at him while he was trying to find out who he was and where he came from. David didn't find out who he was, he gave him food and shelter, and the boy started to relax a bit by bit, till one day he opened up a bit, revealing his name was Kao.

Kao stayed at Davids house, he got better and started to seem much calmer too, David tried to find out where he came from, or if anyone was looking for him, but no one did.. Kao and David started to get along well, and David was really happy to see how Kao was starting to feel like home, still worried tho, since he wan't sure what to do with him. After asking around for help, someone pointed out that he should just take him to an orphanich, hearing this David felt really bad, he told about the option to Kao, who freaked out, he did not want to go into one, and seeing him so upset over the idea, David made up his mind and talked his dad over to help him legally being able to adopt the boy, and it did work out in the end. David moved to a bigger apartment with Kao, him getting his own room and all, and he started to go to school and do other things normal kids did, but he was a bit confused, since he had started to notice how David never went out during day time, he mentioned it, and they talked it over, David was afraid telling this would make Kao want to run off, but it didn't Kao didn't ind at all, and was gladly staying with him, and even doing things for him during day times.


Present Day


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