Óptica "Prismgod"



3 years, 1 month ago


Not much about her is known.. at least to outsiders in her native planet, whichever it is. Óptica, besides from being quite the lone-wolf, is.. kind of a mystery. The Space Majin appears to have an affinity towards gemstones, crystals and other glass bodies, especially shiny ones; and can get pretty attached to them to the point of carrying one most of the time.  Besides crystals or gemstones, Óptica also has a fascination towards nature, and enjoys spending her time in places where it is abundant and thriving. 

Óptica doesn't make much use of her powers, as she prefers to remain more on the pacific side, it being awfully unusual of her species; which has made her think at some point if she's truly worthy of being one of them.. not everyone want to shoot out light and color beams or spawn crystal shards all of the time right? ...right? the Color-Spectrum-Goddess asks herself.