Castella (wip)



3 years, 1 month ago


feel free to draw her! but she is wip and her clothes are unstable so feel free to deviate!



An aspiring young student investigator from the lower continent with the ability to control smoke, haunted by debt and guilt to answer questions from her past. Saved as a child by her mentor from the horrific destruction of her childhood school, she chose to partake in the investigative unit for her field co-op in hopes of finding answers on if her mentor made it out alive.

height content

origin Lower continent

occupation Student investigator


  • Food
  • Vacations to the lower continent
  • Foxtail hairclips


  • Sect members
  • content


Born on the lower contient on a coastal peninsula city, Castella earned a spot in her youth at a boarding school where so connected quickly with one of the school's most talented students. A mysterious attack on the school by a mantis dragon spirit occured not long after she enrolled, and using her mentor's help and financial gift, Castella fled to the upper continent to finish her education there.

Unforunately, she's had a hard time settling in- Aletai's customs are quite different than those from the lower contient, and her landlords (that tend to be from the Sect) constantly gives her a hard time about keeping up with payments for her housing. As much as she missed her old life and family down on the lower continent, Castella opted to stay since the quality of education and resources were better here than back home.

Having heard of rumors and stories upon finishing her academic education on the upper continent that people doing the investigation option for their field co-ops eventually lead them to lost friends and family, Castella opted to go towards that option instead of her inital preference to go into the combat-focused option. She's not thrilled to find out she gets paired with people from the Sect, though, and to make matters worse, her group just gets assigned to investigate abnormal activity in the forest bordering a small hot-spring town called Thermal Harbor- nothing close to a lead on where her old mentor could have gone despite her requesting so in the papers for her co-op.