


3 years, 2 months ago


God of the Stars, of Dreams, and Wisdom. 

Wip profile. CSS will be done.

Name: Soliel

Gender: Unnecessary

Pronouns: she/her or they/them - does not mind which.

Race: Divine

Age: ????

Height: 12'7'' (humanoid form: 5'8'')

Sexuality: Asexual



Soft spoken and quiet, she tends to keep to herself. While the other gods feel strongly about certain things, Soliel is more neutral. She is known as the Guardian of the Night; of the light of the stars, of that vast, dark space that blankets the world. As a Divine, she can be anywhere she desires, yet this does not mean she will always appear. Though they are the kindest of all the Divine, sadly, they are also the most misunderstood as many fear the dark. When she is near, one can hear a soft and soothing sound akin to a whistle in the distance that is there one moment, gone the next. However, due to the nature of what they are, to some cultures, to hear this sound in the dead of night is an ill-omen that warns of death. Their interests tend to be fickle, this is most especially in regards to mortals. To Soliel, they are but a fleeting presence compared to the great expanse she rules over, but every now and then, there is someone that will capture her attention. She tends to observe them quietly, curious as to what their future will hold, yet never does she ever interfere with the lives of another. 


Light filtering through trees.

The soft flickering of stars at night.


Rather fond of sweets.


The bickering of the other gods.

Loud noises.

The taste of fish. Gross.


Very rarely will one catch them in their human form. But then again, very rarely do most see them at all. When she does appear to mortals in particular, it is oftentimes in a dream and through a casual exchange. 

Soleil can see into the future if she so wishes, but she does not tend to share her knowledge of what is to come. If she does, there is a very, very specific reason and a very specific path that must come into fruition. However, they do not make this easy and will often speak vaguely in a way that must be discerned by that individual, for no straight answers will ever be given.

They have a presence.