Noah Hanley (Vampire)



3 years, 3 months ago


My oc, Noah, after he's been turned into a vampire. 

Name: Noah Hanley

Age of Death: 33

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Voice Sample: Komatsu Mikako  (ex: 1, 2 )

Waking with very little memories of his human life would make one think Noah a blank canvas to paint upon. While he is impressionable and easily swayed from the right people his friendly and kind personality still holds true. 

Strengths: Immortality, enhanced senses, strength and speed, flight

Weaknesses: Silver, too much sunlight, human food 

Likes: Music, books (mystery and romance novels), art, snow, dogs

Dislikes: Silver, crowded parties, being so closely monitored 

Fears: True death, madness from starvation, spiders


  • It doesn't take long for Noah to pick up the violin and piano after he's turned, finding his new life particularly empty up till then. 
  • His closest friend is another vampire named Sarah. She plays the guitar and plays baseball and is altogether more of an outlier from the other vampires. 
  • He is closely watched by Jane, the head vampire of their location. She is also his sire and biological aunt, the latter he is unaware of. 
  • Most other vampires seem to keep away from him, jealous of Jane's treatment of him, and not wanting to attract the attention of her anger. 
  • Vampires can go out in the sun, but for short periods of times. The stronger the sunlight that day the shorter the time becomes. It zaps the energy they get from blood, leading to quicker hunger pains and weakness if exposed for too long. 
  • Sleep isn't required but does help to conserve energy, leading to fewer feedings. It can be quite dangerous though, as a vampire secluded enough from the world and well fed could easily sleep for years, even decades. Noah enjoys sleeping himself but always has an alarm on when doing so. 
Backstory: N/A

Currently: N/A

What the future holds: N/A