Yamazaki Souta



3 years, 6 months ago



Name: Yamazaki Souta

Birthdate: October 18th

Current age: 17

Age of death: 14 (was only for a few seconds but it counts)

Cause of death: Vehicle collision

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human (possessed/infected with demonic entity)

Voice claim: Miyano Mamoru ( examples: 1 , 2 )

Place of birth: Japan

Current location: Japan

Occupation: Part-timer / odd jobs / 2nd year high school student

Relationship: Forever in love with Haruka Kujo*

Physical Appearance

Figure: Thin, gangly.

Height: 5′4” / 162 cm

Weight: 105 lbs / 47 kg

Hair: Black with a blue undertone/highlight (natural)

Eyes: Sky blue

Distinguishing Features: Ears are larger than average. Eyebrows are thick and round.

Inside the Mind

Personality: Is rather shy at first meeting but friendly. The more he talks and gets to know someone the more he comes out of his shell, and they will find he is a kind, playful, nervous, and somewhat childish boy.

He withdrew more into himself after being infected and coming back to life but with Haruka and his friends around he is start to smile and enjoy his days again.

Astrological Sign: Libra

Place/Type of Residence: Small, two-bedroom apartment with his mother.

Languages Spoken: Japanese

Favorite color: The color of Haruka’s eyes. (He also likes red and blue.)

Fears: Heights. Horror movies (especially the ones including ghosts). The supernatural and uncanny.

Interests: Video games. Heroes. Comics and manga. Spiderman. Cats.

Weapons: Himself (with the help of the demonic parasite within him).

Proficiencies: Video games and a lot of games in general. Unknowingly (and knowingly) flirting/teasing Haruka. Cleaning. Cat care.

Strengths: Haruka, he will do anything for him. His friends and mother. His calming, soft aura/presence.

Weaknesses: Haruka, he will do anything for him. Heights. His lack of confidence. His nervous nature. The parasite demon whispering and wearing down at him. Lack of sleep.

The Story


*Haruka Kujo is a anime only character from the series Monochrome Factor. The only version of this character Souta is in a relationship is my girlfriend's portrayal. She has developed him to a point he feels like her own oc.