TBN's Comments

Does anyone in my adopts or UFT/UFO folders interest you? :0

Sorry i decided to go with another offer but if you have any other adopts your interested in i did see 3 characters I would trade for 

I also do headshots for characters too if you end up liking those as well 

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Go ahead and pm them to me here ^^

I'll accept your trade offer ^^ as for who to draw I'll leave that up to you I have lots of characters that could use some art love. 


Choose anyone except characters awaiting redesigns or the 2 sitting in unsorted 

And you said 3 or 4 depending so if you want to do 2 full bodies and a head shot ? If your ok with that 

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No need to send me sketches ^^ but if you end up drawing the adopt at some point id love to see it 

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Aw I love them thank you so much I'll send them right over ^^ thanks for trading with me

1 Replies
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Do you have another place I can view the examples? I dont use that site and you need an account to view anything.

Sorry i wouldnt use any of them but thank you for offering ^^

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Sorry i didnt see anyone i would trade for ^^