uft's Comments

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I'm willing to look at trade for her but I am pretty tentative! I'm most interested in swaps for her ^^

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I liked Minoru and Angel from your 02 folder, though I'm still unsure on if I'd trade Ria for either of them, I'd need to draw them first!

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I can either add on another character or some art for him but I'm gonna draw him first and let you know if I'm down for a trade!

1 Replies


Do you have any potat0cup designs for swaps?

Ria is my only potat0cup design, I might be willing to look at swaps for her but she is tentative!

Check my off limits folder!!

look at my off limits folder!!

Hmm, I might be willing to swap Ria for Layla but I'd need to draw her first to see who I connect with more, is that alright?


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Sorry, I'm afraid she isn't ufo at the moment! I only got her recently and I still really like her design and have plans for her so she's not going anywhere for now! I can tag you if she's ever up for offers if you'd like!

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All good! I'll be sure to tag you if ever put her up for offers ^^

Hi, I'd like to autobuy please! Ur designs are so baby QwQ b

Tysm omg😳💕💕 please send here!!

[email protected]

Should be sent!


Sorry! I had uni the other day so I didn't see this till now! Sending the money now ^^