Calliope Areadbhar



3 years, 2 months ago



the reaper

Name Calliope Areadbhar
Called Cal, Calliope
Age 27
Nameday 4th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Gender Male
Height 63.8 inches
Pronouns he/him
Role Reaper, servant, retired botanist
Race Miqo'te, Viera mixed
Sexuality Bisexual


Calliope is a young man of fairly short and slim stature. His outward apperance often suggests somebody softer than the sharp way he presents himself, bright hair a strong contrast against the blues and blacks he tends to wear. Cal's hair is split down the middle with the right half white and the left orange, and while he appears predominantly miqo'te, the length and size of his ears are the greatest suggestion towards his viera heritage. The tips of his ears are slightly black. His hair is long and curly with messy bangs that are often in his eyes, but he often keeps the rest of it tied in a low ponytail with a blue ribbon, usually adorned by two braids on the side. Before living in Kugane, these braids were tied off with blue pearls, and afterwards, with golden bells.

Like his hair, Calliope's eyes are mismatched, the right a yellow-green color, and the left blue. He has three white strips on each side of his face, typical of Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. His skin is starkly pale and covered in freckles, with lips stained red, and heavy and dark eyebags. After becoming a reaper, the tips of his hands and feet are stained black and clawed. He's almost never seen without gloves because of this. Cal's tail is short and fluffy, and colored in patchy white/orange/black like a calico's.

(As a side note, a lot of his art is kind of inconsistent from one to the next, but these are the main points of his appearance T_T)


Calliope is a very serious individual who carries himself in a well-mannered fashion. Though he gives off the appearance of a leader with his perfectionism and keen intellect, he's often devoted himself to following the orders of others. Calliope tends to adjust into new places by serving families as a butler (and on one occassion, a maid); he does this to get close to people that are expected to die so that he'll be there to guide their souls to the lifestream. He started as a butler in Sharlayan, then moved to become a bodyguard for the Naeuri family in Kugane, and most recently, a maid in Ishgard for the Fauciline family. (They were looking for a maid specifically, and not a butler, and Cal's one to do what he needs to accomplish an objective.) As a servant, he unfailingly obeys orders, and is polite and respectful to those he works under. He tends to follow rules rather strictly, and is known to have a bit of a stick-up-the-ass attitude. However, because he holds himself closely to rules and in rather high regard, he often feels a need to be punished if he acts out of line. He's generally a quiet person, but working with ninja-learned techniques in Kugane makes him almost imperceptible, often unintentionally. He would constantly sneak up on the Naeuris on accident, so the lord of the house replaced the beads in his hair with bells in an attempt to make his approach more obvious.

Cal tends to present himself very nicely, but is not materialistic at all and doesn't care for people who value money and prizes above all else. His origins are nothing special, but he knows how to fit into high society well because of how often he's worked for wealthy families. As a result, he might be mistaken as nobility, but the mixed Miqo'te/Viera nature of his appearance will quickly make people think otherwise. He does enjoy things that require a lot of mental exercise, Sharlayan chess in particular. He might vizualize difficult situations with such a game, but can be rather ruthless when it's required of him. He's resourceful and can make a weapon out of nearly anything if he doesn't have his scythe. Calliope doesn't tend to get close to other people because of his work: as a botanist, plants were his primary company, and as a reaper, his job is to see people die. Even as a butler, he knows that the position won't be forever and that he'll have to move to a different place where other souls need to move on. His only constant company is a spirit in the form of a blue butterfly, and as a result, he doesn't quite know how to interact with people beyond servitude and following orders. He doesn't much care for others anyways and often spends his time painting and admiring nature when he isn't working.



  • Plants and nature
  • Cats
  • Blue


  • Materialism/Money
  • Leaving things incomplete
  • Messes


  • Botany
  • Chess (among other Sharlayan intellectual games)
  • Cleaning
  • Reading




Calliope is based off of both a calico and chimera cat.

Calliope's name comes from the "Chief of all Muses" who presides over epic poetry and eloquence. (It's also a play on calico.)

"Areadbhar" was the spear used by Irish mythological figure Lugh, which he recieved as a tribute from Persian king Pisear. Its tip had to be kept immersed in a pot of water to keep it from igniting, and is called "Slaughterer" in translation. It also happens to be a dragoon relic weapon.

Before becoming a reaper, Cal already had a lot of experience using a a botanist. His first reaper weapon was just a botanist's secondary tool as a result.



Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.
