Emma Ayasaki



3 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Emma Pearl Ayasaki

Gender: Cis Female

D.O.B: March 3rd 1928

Height: 6'4

Weight: 365 lbs

Ethnicity: White British

Sexuality: Asexual

S/O: N/A

Occupation: Air Raid Warden

Likes: Listening to her record player, Debate, Gemstones

Dislikes: Gender roles, Rushing around, bigots

Personality: Emma was ahead of her time. She spoke her opinions and is a certified girlboss. Because of this a lot of people were drawn to dislike her because of her brashness and confidence. She simply knows what she likes and what she doesn't like. She will not be spoken over, and demands respect from others and often gets it because of her certain energy.


- Blind in her left eye

- Below the Knee amputee on her right side, her leg is made out of parts of a Gatling gun

- Her movment is very limited because of her leg

- Wears her gloves to honour her father Giles

- Christian