♔ Riot $30's Comments

what’s the lowest you’d take for em 👉🏼👈🏼?

$30, as they have extra art

I can offer the $30 ;;

Totally understand is you want to look at more offers tho ><

I'll accept this!! send the money here and I'll transfer them over! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/HoneyFernnn

Money has been sent!

Sent the transfer!

Paypal put the money on hold is it possible if i send it back to you and you resend it?? sorry for bothering you aaa

13 Replies

Claim please!!

TYSM!! please send the monies to [email protected]! lmk once its send so i can transfer em <333

TYSM!! please send the monies to [email protected]! lmk once its send so i can transfer em <333
