


8 years, 11 months ago


➵ soessjie 

his sister used to tell him about monsters. she was vivid in her detail - she described them down to the veins on their hands and the taste of their breath on the air. it had frightened him, but he had always managed to swallow the lump in his throat and tell her that he wasn't afraid! he would shoot them down before they could even come close. one arrow between the eyes, and he'd be wearing their pelts as boots.

as the two siblings grew older, she never had stopped telling him about the monsters. every day she had a new horror to describe to him; each one different than all that had come before it. he thought it was strange of her to continue such a childish game, but he insisted to her anyway that he was honor-bound to protect his sister; one arrow between the eyes, and he'd have their heads mounted on his wall.

he was soon enough nearing adulthood, and with bow in hand he liked to stray far into the woods to go hunting in the misty grey mornings. he always brought home a flower for his sister, but he never asked her to come with him. one evening as he handed her a daisy, she quietly told him that she wasn't going into the woods - there were monsters there. was she safe in the house, he asked her. no, there are monsters in the house, too. under her bed and in the cupboard and biting her skin and pulling her hair, didn't he see?

for the first time, he had nothing to say, because it had taken him nineteen years to realize that her monsters weren't ones that could be silenced with an arrow and that she was twice as brave as he was simply for facing them every day, and that maybe inside her own head was much scarier than the deep woods could ever be.

from then on, instead of flowers, he gave her arrowheads, carved out of flint by his own hands, whenever he could spare one. he wasn't brave enough for her monsters, he told his sister. she was the only person who had the courage to face them. sleep with an arrowhead under her pillow, so she could shoot them down in her dreams.

one arrow between the eyes, and she'd be wearing their pelts as boots.



the hunter

name: soessjie

alignment: true neutral

mbti type: isfj

temperament: melancholic

positive traits: caring, devoted, loyal, passionate, observant

negative traits: headstrong, somber, prying

age: 19

height: 160 cm (5'3")

complexion: medium & freckled

hair: mauve & straight

eyes: dark brown

likes: solitude, rain, fletching, dancing, summer, honey, wind, tadpoles, crayfish, cooking, feathers, adventure

dislikes: thunder, winter, hornets, cicada shells, turkeys, jesting, net-fishing, mud, bow stringing