
  • Thimble
  • Female
  • Pool Toy Border Collie
  • 23
  • 5'10"
  • 20lbs
  • Bisexual
  • March 23
Thimble is a pooltoy border collie and is made of a satin black vinyl similar in sheen to an Intex orca. She wears a pink plaid weighted collar and is often seen with a pink bow in her hair. She’s level headed, calm, and collected. who is always there for those in need of someone to talk to, and will help you through whatever's going on. Loves to snuggle and is especially fond of when you rest your head on her chest. Always the big spoon. She’s caring and is always looking out for others and will remind them of the little things that they may forget about. In a relationship with Kananaskis who she adores and loves dearly. They are often found out and about from antiquing to camping they do it all. Sometimes Kananaskis deflates her and packs her up when going on long trips and inflates her again when they arrive. Thimble enjoys helping Kananaskis out with his woodworking projects but has to be careful in the shop with all those sharp tools around!