Olive 🍕



3 years, 2 months ago


Olive the Deer
Age 21 Years Old
Height 5'10" (177.8 cm)
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Orientation Bisexual
Race/Species Deer
Worth TBA

Playing Video Games

Eating Junk Food

His Boyfriend :)))

Being Lazy asfbngn


Lots of Exercise


Not much tbh haha

Friendly . Relaxed . Playful

Olive is a pretty lazy yet friendly deer boy who usually spends all his time inside playing video games, listening to music, eating copious amounts of pizza or relaxing with his boyfriend, Otis <3 He much prefers chilling indoors over going outside and doing anything super crazy, though he does sometimes like to spend a chill day on the beach or in the park! Even though he doesn't go out much, it's not because he dislikes people or anything of the sort; in fact, he LOVES making new friends- especially those that share his interests who he can play games with! He's very laid-back and charming and very rarely ever loses his temper, really only getting irritated whenever he loses at his games haha. He's very easy to get along with and is the type of guy to talk with you very enthusiastically about your interests, even if he knows nothing about them at all, and he loves making playful jabs at his friends and teasing them, though he can get flustered fairly easily whenever people do this to him in return. Despite his playful attitude at times, he always tries to make sure that none of his jokes come off as mean, and does get genuinely irritated whenever he encounters someone being mean to, well.. anyone, really. He'd probably sell his soul to you for fresh slice of pepperoni pizza at any given time let's just be honest here ajbfdnbg <33

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