
7 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Sawyer Canson


Male (biologically agender, he/him)






Video Killed the Radio Star (tentative)

Creation Date:

February 21st 2016


Sawyer is a scribble. His entire person has jittery, uncertain outlines that blur and quiver constantly. As a result, he twitches uncontrollably, especially at his extremities. His face seems awkwardly unfinished - he has no nose, his mouth is just a line, and only one visible eye at a time. When he turns his head, his eye will flip sides based on which direction he is facing. His insides jitter just like his outsides, so he's partially aware of most of his internal organs, which is rather hard on him.

Sawyer lives with his two adoptive foster moms, who love him very much, but he can't help but feel like a disappointment. 

Looking at Sawyer for too long causes nasty headaches and migraines. His moms aren't exempt either, and they struggle to spend time with their foster son when being with him for an hour makes them feel nauseated. Sawyer often has breakdowns, near-tantrums where his nerves get the better of him. He will rage and sweep things off of counters, pound and punch things, and end with his head in his hands sobbing.

Sawyer struggles to speak fluidly. He doesnt have a stutter so much as he gets "stuck" on a word, repeating it until he is able to get through the breath and start it again. Some days are worse than others. Needless to say he's a pretty quiet kid, if only because he's embarassed.