Maru ((Mastersona))



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name (Family, Given)

Ganzou "Maru" Momiji



A slightly pessimistic individual who is mistrustful of Magi. 

Maru is from a family of Magi focused on reaching the Root through the use of Mystic Eyes. Their right eye is the Ganzou family's magnum opus: The Mystic Eye of Analyzation.
With it, Maru can Analyze all phenomena--magical and mundane--and find the truth, or in specific cases, verify the existence of something. Their left eye however, was created by their father who rejected the main family's idea, and is the Mystic Eye of Obfuscation. The Mystic Eye of Obfuscation is in the inverse of Analyzation, the ability to hide information and stimuli from others. 

After graduating high school, Maru fled from their father and extended family and worked as a konbini attendant. One night they were attacked by a shadow servant and while fleeing, ended up at Honnouji Temple, where they somehow summoned Oda Nobunaga to defend them. However, they were immediately scouted/blackmailed by Olga Marie Animasphere into working at Chaldea which they begrudgingly accepted as the alternative was to give over their eyes and Servant to the Clocktower. 

Lostbelt AU:

Maru had the option to briefly work with A-Team, and accidentally found out Akuta Himeko's secret with their Mystic Eye of Analyzation. 

Maru was fortunately tasked with tracking down Romani Archeman when the bombs went off and thus survived.

Despite being a Master, Maru experienced extreme rejection to Rayshifting and was unable to accompany Ritsuka Fujimaru after Lev's betrayal. Instead, Chaldea put their abilities into verifying Fujimaru's existence with the MEoA--they were able to even out perform Da Vinci's inventions under specific cirumstances. Eventually, Chaldea found itself at the Grand Temple of Time and when the Demon God Pillars attacked, Maru ordered Nobu to assist Fujimaru, knowing it would most likely be the last time the two would meet. As a parting gift, Nobunaga used her Tenka Fubu to grand Maru a sort of Protection Against Divinity. 

With the end of Goetia and Solomon, Maru fell into a slight depression as they worked through the Epic of Remnant. Before the events of Salem, Maru accidentally summons Circe. Unfortunately, due to Maru's Protection Against Divinity, Circe is burned when she comes too close to him. Maru, in self-pity, commanded her to stay away and she eventually snuck away to join Fujimaru in Salem. 

Maru was one of the few surviving Chaldea staff members thanks to his Mystic Eye of Obfuscation hiding him from the invaders.