Kiwi's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

celestialsunberry Global Rules

Worlds of Aetheria / My Closed Species Terms of Service:



General 2021 Non-Species Adopt Terms of Service:

By purchasing or obtaining any of my adopts, you agree to my Terms of Service!

LAST UPDATED: 1-31-2022

  • Give credit when posting my art. My DA and TH are celestialsunberry, my FA is seraphimmoonshadow.
  • Don't link or post my art on Facebook. 
    • For other social media platforms, please use a link only. (You are welcome to post your own art, of course, just not mine, please.) 
  • Don't edit my art, except for cropping to make an icon, or making a color palette. (Having it on a ref sheet is fine.) I really just don't like people editing my work; it makes me feel...weird.
  • No commercial usage of my designs is allowed. 
    • Non-species rights can potentially be purchased. Contact to discuss.
  • You can sell or trade your design for whatever you please so long as you purchased it, regardless if you have purchased art for it or not. 
    • That said, it would be nice if you didn’t sell it for more than you paid for it. 
    • I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t sell it if it was traded for you, unless you actually purchased art for it or you actually added value to it.
    • You don't need to tell me you sold it, or what you sold it for. 
  • You are free to use my designs as inspiration but don’t copy them outright, please. Taking traits I designed myself are totally rude.
    • Yes, you can use my colors because no one can copyright colors, folks! Please...
      • Give credit, at the very least. I make most of my own palettes.
      • Please change them up a little if you're going to yoink them outright.
      • At least tell me???
      • Don't steal traits, etc.
  • You can also...
    • Ask me about:
      • Yes, you can use my techniques. It's not like I could stop anyone anyway.
      • My process. I have speedpaints here: However, most of the videos are old. If there's something you'd like to see, though, you're welcome to ask, and if I have time, and feel up to it, I can record it, etc. But you're more likely to get an answer by asking about a specific thing.
      • Ask me about brush settings. Most of the programs I use are:
        • [ON PC]
          • SAI
          • Blender
          • Photoshop
          • Corel 9
          • Painter Essentials 4, now 6
          • Open Canvas
          • Paintstorm Studio
        • [ON TABLET]
          • Mediabang
          • Infinite Painter
          • Sketchbook
          • Ibis Paint
  • BUT DON'T...
    • Don't trace my art art.
    • Ask me endless questions unless it's on Discord in the WoA chat in the #show-my-art channel, in which case, ask away when I'm available. 
  • You can make changes to the design in almost whatever way you want--however, the original artwork must always be included and credit given. 
    • Please tell me if you're going to change it into a closed species. Just let me know so I don't mistake it for theft.
    • Don’t claim the design as your own, regardless of changes.
  • Just don't make knock-offs, "off-brands" of my species, etc.
  • Please let me know if you’ve traded the design if it’s not on TH! Just comment on the original DA submission to let me know so that I don’t accidentally DMCA anyone. 
    • If someone forgot or whatever and you got the design, just tell me. I'd rather people not get scammed and this is really the only way to prevent that.
  • Don’t trade or sell to anyone on my blacklist. If you do this knowingly, you yourself will be blacklisted. I have more than ample reason for my blacklist, and I’d greatly appreciate it if you would respect that.
  • Designs are sold as-is. They are not refundable after 24 hours, or after you have received or downloaded the images. 
    • Should you attempt to get a refund after 24 hours, you will be blacklisted. If you buy it, it’s your responsibility to sell it even if you have hard financial times. I understand things can, and do happen, but unfortunately, I'm just one person, not a store. 
    • All designs must be paid for in 24 hours, or they will go to the next bidder/person. If there is no one else, I will hold the design for a max of two days before releasing it and assuming that you will not be purchasing the design unless you have made prior arrangements. 
  • You are welcome to private a design. However, I would really appreciate it if you’re going to private something, either give me a key on TH, or just let me know when you trade it. The only reason is so I can keep track of it, not because I want to invade your privacy. This also helps me to be wary about those stealing designs and makes it easier for me to watch out for thieves.
  • If you need to contact me outside of TH, note me on DA.



For anyone who is looking to trade customs with me, I want to give some clarification, and talk about my process when it comes to trades, how I view them, and what you can expect when trading with me.

I want to be 100% up front here: I do custom trades for fun only. While I treat them with the same quality, these are not the same thing as commissions; please do not equate them as that. My commissions were my livelihood for over twenty years. Doing something for fun is not the same as doing it for survival. 

Please understand that I am disabled. I have an obscene amount of medical problems, both mental and physical. This is why I usually try to complete trades as quickly as possible, because I cannot depend on my body to know when I am going to be able to work on things. I usually try to knock things out when I know it's a good day for me, since my body is not dependable, and my ability to do things can vary. This is why I always try to gather as much intel beforehand, and use it as a guide to create the design. I tend to be very quick when it comes to art, and I try to get as much feedback as possible. 

If, for some reason, you think I have forgotten you, please feel free to reach out to me via DA, FA, e-mail, or via Discord. (I can be found on the WoA server as Sunny.) You can always try TH but I tend to forget it, so if you’re having a hard time reaching me, please feel free to use other avenues. 

To give some context about what you might expect when trading with me, here’s what I do in regards to customs:


    • Please give me as many details as possible. These details should include: any poses, expressions, color palettes, patterns, traits, etc. Please be as specific as possible. 
    • IF YOU CAN, PLEASE PROVIDE VISUAL REFERENCES! If you can't, that's TOTALLY okay--don't worry about it. 
    • Please note, if you do not provide accurate information during this phase, I am not responsible for making changes further down the line.
    • Let me know if there are any times that you’re going to be gone, etc, or if there’s additional ways to reach you just in case you don’t respond further down the line.
    • Usually when it comes to customs, I always try to provide a sketch before during the lineart. If there's something you don't like, you need to tell me, as once I have done the lineart, I've done the lineart.
    • If you see something missing, that doesn't mean I have missed it. My sketches are pretty loose, so I tend to have very generalized sketches. You're free to point it out if you feel concerned but just know I prolly didn't draw it yet.
    • If I send you a sketch, and I don’t hear from you, I will try to reach out to you again.
      • If I don’t hear from you within a certain amount of time (say two weeks), I will assume that you are no longer interested in the trade.
        • I may hold onto the sketch for a while, and try again later to see if you respond. If you don’t eventually respond, I will let you know that I’ll be using the sketch for something else, if I choose to.
      • Don’t worry; I won’t blacklist you or anything! I realize things happen and people get busy and forget, etc. This is especially during the holiday season, and I try to be as lenient as possible to give people time to get back to me.
      • If you ever need time to think about things or need more time, just let me know. I’m not going to be like, “You have to get it done in x time!” I really…just don’t care.
        • Communication is the only thing I care about. Just be honest with me. 
    • Once a sketch has been approved, I usually move straight into the lineart phase.
    • I may or may not show progress during this stage--typically I don't.
    • Lineart is something that may evolve with the piece, but these are very small changes, such as adding thickness here, or erasing a little big here or there to add accents.
    • If you have something you forgot to tell me, please tell me now because it's so much harder to make changes after this phase.
      • General color palette--adding colors is okay and some tweaks are okay but no switching palettes mid design as a general rule.
        • If you did not give me a color palette to follow, I will make one (or several), and send it/them to you for approval. 
      • Pose/general lineart
    • At this point I'll be double-checking everything you said in the beginning, and asking any additional questions if I’m confused about something or would like details so I can make the piece as best as it can be. 
    • During this point, I will be doing one of the following:
      • If it's more of a "Surprise me!" I'll surprise you!
      • If it's not, there will be a little back and forth here and I'll try to send you several wip's as time allows. This is easier if we use Discord or e-mail but it's okay if you don't use those!
        • If you do not respond in a week or two, and you have not made prior arrangements, I will send a second reminder about the design.
        • If, after two and a half weeks, maybe three, and you still don’t get back to me, I will finish the design, most likely, by the fourth week. I’m not going to wait forever for you to get back to me once I’ve started on the piece.
    • When I am 3/4ths through the piece, this is where I stop allowing changes and finish the piece. If you have provided all the necessary, relevant information, then we should have something you're happy with.
    • Once I am done with the design, I will upload it, and send it to you via TH, or whatever platform we are using to do things!
      • I typically respond with a comment letting you know it's been sent or with a pm!
    • If I made a mistake:
      • Just let me know! I'll adjust it accordingly. No problem!
    • That's okay! Here's what we can do:
      • I can trade the design to you and you can make changes according to what works best for you.
      • We can choose not to trade! You keep your design, I'll keep mine, you do what you want, I do what I want. 
    • Here's what I won't do:
      • Provide PSD's, SAI files, etc.
        • Most of my art ends up being only a few layers long term anyway. Sometimes it's all just one layer anyway!
        • I don't have the storage space to share psd's, nor do I want to. 
      • Allow you to edit my work. (You're free to edit the design itself, of course!) 
      • Provide lineart for you to color, unless this was previously agreed upon. 
    • While I absolutely try to make sure that you enjoy what I create for you, I can't guarantee that you will, neither do I make that guarantee. 
      • I won't hold anything against you if you don't like the design. It's perfectly okay to let me know it's not your jam!
    • I trade for equal value. I'm sorry but I'm not going to spend 12 hours on a custom design for an on-base $5 cat/dog. There's a limit to how much I will do. I trade simple for simple, complex for complex, etc. 
      • Please do not be insulted because I refuse to spend excessive hours on our trade. My time is as valuable as yours is. I will always do my best but I do have limits.
    • I don't, and won't, do infinite edits. It's impractical. I give the opportunity for changes at certain phases, but once a piece has gone past a certain point, no more edits will be made. Any tweaks can be made by you! 
    • Please be respectful when giving critiques!
      • Everyone has their own way of doing things. I won't insult you, so please don't insult me. It’s okay if your way is different and you expect things to go down differently, but don’t try to school me about how I do things--it’s not appropriate. 
      • If you don't understand something, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to explain.
        • I don’t always word things the best way, so if you’re ever confused, please speak up! I do have ADHD, and I’m a very literal person, so I will read your words very literally. :)
      • Again, please always feel free to speak up and let me know what you think! Even if we end up agreeing to disagree, that's perfectly okay to me! I'm not just going to block you. 
    • IF YOU DECIDE, AT ANY POINT, THAT YOU NO LONGER WANT TO TRADE, THEN JUST TELL ME! Please don’t waste my time! It is what it is.
    • Just please try to communicate with me in general.
      • If you need more time, tell me.
      • If you are concerned about something, tell me.
      • If you change your mind, tell me, preferably within the time window listed above.
        • Small edits I might do outside of these windows, but it all depends on how small these are, and how much time I spent on the piece.
      • If you’re frustrated with me, you can tell me that, too, but please be polite about it. 
        • I will listen, but I won’t tolerate harassment. That’s where I draw the line.
        • If you’re gonna start harassing me, we’re done here. Otherwise, we’re cool.
  • Overall, again, this is just about having fun. I’m not that picky, so I tend to go with the flow for most things. If you need something, just speak up!


  • Dana-the-Cat/starrytears, Twitter is dana_the_kitty, for repeated character theft, lying, harassment, and stealing my designs. If you generally wanna know the situation, you can read about it here.
  • Lancerismine, for stealing my art and uploading it with a different color palette.