


3 years, 2 months ago




pronouns He/him They/them
orientation Hetero
age Appears to be 23~25
birth date Unknown
occupation Hunter
playlist ♫♫


height 8'1"
weight 462 lbs
species wyvern-taur

Put a description of your character's appearance here. Include coloration, styling, and other fun details.

design notes

  • The wyvern part is inspired on the species Managarmr from Ark:Extinction.
  • He can glide very well, but can't fly!
  • Almost always looking serious or done with the world.
  • Never wears a shirt.. or anything else.


diet carnivore
behaviour lonesome, pacific
combat close ranged - savage
skilled at hunting, running.
poor at socializing, wearing clothes.

  • Alster CAN be friendly if you get on his good side. Good luck with this, though.
  • Much like his dragon parents, he can growl, but it's much less grave sounding.
  • Will ignore you on purpose if he finds your reaction enjoyable.

last minute addition!


No one knows how Alster came to be, just that he was the only one of his 'species', and no other wyvern would come close to him. He can speak the human language brokenly, and can't speak to dragons unless in body language, it makes him being the only mutation known of his species. It is unknown how he reached adult life, but he is strong and fends for himself.


Due the lack of socialization at en early age, Aster is not familiar with the concept of friendlyness, compassion or love. He is mostly driven by instinct and will ignore everything you say regardless of the weight of it if his instincts are saying otherwise. Generally cold and distant, it was unknown HOW he manage to learn human language, and how to comunicate - most human sought to kill the beast at the first chance they would get - But Aster was always one step ahead.


The beast is incredibly smart and it will show quickly should you challenge him. He is most moreful fighting close ranged, and is magically weak and weak against magic spells as well. However he will try to counter this by building traps and hideouts. He is usually bored, and if he deems you weak, he won't make any effort to shoo you alway, he'll simply ignore all attempts you make at getting closer to him, unless you offer something that interests him and don't pose a threat.



character name

Tell us about the relationship between these characters. I like to have the character describe said relationship in their own words.


character name

However, because this code is themed around being some kind of document written by another person, I don't know if that's the best thing to do here.


character name

The text to the right is a sort of space filler. You can take it out if you don't like it, or want single cards on the last line to be centered.


Can be agressive when provoked. Learned the hard way.... ouch.