Rylance's Comments

What kinda things can we offer?

Sorry, Rylance is currently pending, someone else made an offer that I accepted. 

But for any of my characters you can offer art, characters or PayPal :)


If he's still on sale, I'd love to buy him if you have the artist credits, as the links in his bio don't work and I cannot find the names on ToyHouse.

Yeah he’s for sale and that’s not the artist I usually just dump art on here as to not lose it and I end up forgetting to actually link the artists. It’s Hyperesis on DA. 

My PayPal is Cailyn.mines@yahoo.com

Alright, I paid! Sent 32$ so the paypal fee should be covered. Though, seeing as I can't download images from toyhouse and I usually prefer making character bio's on google docs, could you send the images + artist credits through Discord/email? ([email protected] & Count_Crimson#0437 )