


3 years, 6 months ago


Name Lilith

Called Lilly

Age 16

D.o.B. 5/13

Gender Girl

Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'4

Build Lanky

Race Human

Role Support

Demeanor Shy

Aesthetic Floral Lolita

Flower Iris

Vision Dendro



Florist • Quiet • Timid • Freindly

Lilith is a shy girl living in the city of Mondstat, helping her sister Flora run the family flower shop. One day while walking through the forest, due to her poor vision she fell inside a cave, and she thought that it was all over, untill her Vision awakened. A large mass of vines and bushes grew under her and caught her from her fall, and from that day forward she was gifted with a Dendro vision. The adventures guild turned her away due to her poorer health and vision, but she still helps travelers with quests and does smaller tasks to help the citizens of Mondstat.








Living in the City of freedom, Lilith has always admired adventures and always aspired her to become one. That is, untill her vision took a turn for the worse. Lilith had always never had good vision, but it declined to the point of barely being able to see on her 16th birthday. While the Adventures Guild may not let her in officially, she helps travelers with as many things as she can do, such as taking them through the rough patches of the forest or helping them gather materials.

Adventures of a blind girl

Lilith often loves to wander around the forests of Tevat, but quite often will get lost. Sometimes she finds herself in the path of Treasure hoarders, hilichurls, or even the Fatui mages sometimes. More oftne then not, theyll notice that shes blind and wont pay attentin to her, or think that shes just a weak girl to pick off, but once she fights back from an attack, her enemies quickly realise how wrong they were as they fall. Shes been hired to run errands for the guild, but they will still refuse to officially adknowledge that she is a member. For now, shes just a very well known helper, and it is rumored that Jean herself wants to get Lilith to work alongside her.

One day while wandering just outside of Mondstat, she had crashed into a unknown person on her way out. She quickly realised that it was the honarary knight that she had knocked over, and feeling bad, she offered to help on whatever they needed. Lilith ended up tagging along in a bunch of missions, and became a part of the Travelers crew in search of their lost sibling. While she may have not had a active role in the fighting itself, she was a great support and helped them navigate around Mondstat and its surrounding area.

Her Health is not the best

Lilith was born with a rare condition known as albinism. This meant that she had silvery white hair and bright purple eyes, but it also meant she was very close to being blind and could not be in the sunlight for long due to sensitivity in her eyes and skin. Lilith did not want to be stuck indoors for the rest of her life, so she carrys a parcel around (this doubles as a pole-arm for her to use to fight) and covers up so she can still travel outside of Mondstat if she so desires. She wears glasses to help her vision, but there is still issues with it and often she will trip over small things, or run into people. On the occasion that she accidentially walks into a hilichurl camp, many of the enemies severly underestimate her ability to fight and she can put up a very strong fight if she so desired to.

  • Vision: Dendro
  • Weapon type: Pole-Arm
  • Her parcel she carrys around turns into a polearm at will
  • she can summon a mini Resivigine to shoot projectiles for her
  • can sense her surroundings using plants



FloraLittle sister


Bays OCBest freinds