
3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Hex

Nickname(s): N/A

Species: Dragon-Touched Kobold

Pronouns: He/Him/Wyrm

Class: Warlock - Pact of the Fiend

Background: Sage

Occupation/Hobby: Adviser on All Things Occult

Origin: (To be written) 

Personality & Traits: Easily excitable, especially when dragons are the subject of discussion. Hex will do whatever he can to weasel his way into a chance for glory, treasure, and/or power with the hopes of gaining the (positive) attention of his patron. Generally prefers not to wear pants as "pants are for mortals!" (Hex is mortal, though he likes to believe he is immortal and above everyone else despite literally being 3 feet tall and weighing 30 pounds. Just about an averaged sized creature with a decent strength score could likely punt him into another plane of existence if they wanted to.)

Ideals: "No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. Every quest or deal offered is an opportunity to follow a path to power, treasure, and infinite knowledge."

Bond: "I sold my soul for knowledge and power. I hope to achieve great things and earn even greater favor with my patron."

Flaws: "I am often a little *too* interested in deals and bets. Even if I do not accept them, I will always hear them out and.... consider."

Misc. Character Stats: Height - 3'0" | Weight - 30 lbs | Age - 25 years | Alignment - Chaotic Neutral | Patron - [REDACTED]