


3 years, 2 months ago


Height: 6’8”

Age: ??

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: bisexual

Ability: psychic abilities

Race: Humanoid deer turned into sin

Family: Arondal (twin brother), unnamed mother, Pride/Gluttony/Greed (brother figures), Envy/Wrath (sister figures), Clary (niece)

Fauntel and his twin, Arondal, were born to a single mother who was outcasted by the rest of the small town they lived in. Since his mother was always busy doing chores or her full time job as a psychic, it was always left up to him to take care of himself and his brother. He felt no resentment towards his mother as he knew she was only trying to keep them afloat.

He was not born a Sin nor did the monsters of Sin come to get him. Fauntel was a mortal on the Surface with his family. He had an ordinary life. That is, until demons came along. Acting like hunters would since the race Fauntel was had special blood. The demons wanted their blood for a ritual starting soon, all because the original sin of sloth had passed. 

Unfortunately for them, as Fauntel was trying to defend his brother and himself after their mother dies, the demons target him as the new vessel for the sin of sloth. Injecting Sloth’s corroded blood into Fauntel’s body. Letting it overcome him with a burning sensation all across his body as if he was being burned alive from the inside.

He passes out, Arondal went into hiding, and the demons gathered the blood they needed And left. Over the next few days, they buried their mother and tried to figure out what to do now that they’re all alone and that Fauntel now looked deathly sick from what they did to him.

Arondal tried his best to step up for his brother when he couldn’t move his body from the pain. It was days, weeks, months before the transformation had set in for Fauntel. His eyes black, splotches of black on his body, his finger tips would also be black. And his pupils were the most intimidating as it was just pure white.

Everyone was afraid of Fauntel in town. They decided they would have to leave quickly since they wanted no trouble. That’s when Pride would step in since he had a feeling there was a new Sloth. At first, there was a lot of confusion and rejection, but Sloth eventually came to. He had to leave his brother behind, not wanting Arondal to be subjected to his own torment.

a fight ensued over what they’d do, Arondal trying to plea with his brother. Insisting he’d go with him. But Fauntel just didn’t agree with him coming. So they parted ways. Never really keeping in touch with each other, especially since how Arondal got a position as a God.