šŸƒšŸ° Enlil Hirin šŸ°šŸƒ



3 years, 2 months ago


made this baby quite some time ago- i think around late December - early January mayhaps?
a fan character i'm developing alongside friends <3 i love him dearly
the brainrot is real.Ā the brainrot is real.

šŸƒšŸ° Enlil Hirin šŸ°šŸƒ

ā†’Ā EnlilĀ :Ā Sumerian origin // Sumerian god of wind //š’‚— (en) meaning "lord" and possibly š’†¤ (lil) meaning "wind"

ā†’Ā HirinĀ :Ā Sumerian origin // meaningĀ spikenard shoots


Rarity:Ā ā­ā­ā­ā­

Weapon:Ā Claymore

Vision:Ā Anemo

Sex:Ā Male

Birthday:Ā October 14

Constellation:Ā Leveret Subsulto //Ā leaping hare

Nation:Ā Sumeru

Affiliation:Ā Sumeru Academia // student

Special Dish: Lucky Rabbitā€™s Latte ā†’ This dish reduces the rate of stamina consumption of all party members by 20% for 300 seconds.

Titles:Ā Windborne Wayfarer, (+++dancer title when he still performed at Sumeru)



āĀ A traveller from the distant land of Sumeru, Enlil seems to move with the wind, wherever it may take him next on his journey. With an air of mystery to him, this wanderer pursues knowledge of the many cultures that are present in Teyvat. From his homeland governed by the God of Wisdom, to the land of the free with their seemingly absentee archon; Enlil traverses all in prospect of learning something new about the lands and hopefully about himself.āž


ā He who travels in pursuit of knowledge, the Windborne Wayfarer goes wherever the breeze may blow next. Armed with a keen sense of dedication and curiosity that tends to lead him into dangerous situations, but overall with a kind and well-meaning heart. āž

Enlil comes from a household with his adoptive family. Though unaware of his situation in the beginning, learning about the truth of his familial status, an intense curiosity began to gnaw at his chest. He's thankful for his upbringing with wonderful adoptive parents and sister, but Enlil longs to learn more about his birth parents and about himself. He threw himself into research, frequenting the libraries and using his free time to use the academiaā€™s facilities upon enrolling in order to find out more. Throughout his investigation however, the young boy realized that he wholeheartedly enjoyed studying about other cultures and how the rest of Teyvatā€™s regions manage their lives.

When Enlil received his Vision, he left Sumeru immediately upon familiarizing himself with its utilization at the academia. After setting off on his voyage, his curious nature had gotten into a few tussles, though they were nothing he couldnā€™t get himself out of with a simple abscond trick.Ā 


Enlil isnā€™t very tall in stature, only around the same height as the Traveller. He has teal eyes and a messy mop of chestnut hair that falls just below his chin. Enlil has tawny skin and pointed ears. A little mole decorates the skin right below his left eye, and faint freckles don his cheeks, nose, ears, and parts of his shoulders and knees.

Relatively pale for someone whoā€™s been able to cross deserts, Enlil has his apparel to thank for the protection from harsh weather conditions. He keeps a mask strapped to the side of his face almost at all times, which serves as his shield from sun and sandstorms. The mask he wears is heavily inspired by the leporids he sees scurrying around in the desert. Enlil also has a few notable pieces of jewelry, adorning a matching set of black steel pieces such as the cuff-chain earring on his left ear, a choker, an anklet and some on his fingers in the form of rings.

Description of clothes to come. All ik is that his color scheme is mostly cream, teal and some unsaturated greens :ā€™3c +++ wing motifs on his clothes, mayhaps?? Idk for sure aaa (ideas so far include a long poncho, shirtless but w/bandages covering his torso, pants of some sort + bandages on his feet bc he doesn't like wearing shoes)

Combat Info


Windswept ā†’ Normal/Charged Attack

  • Normal Attack:Ā Perform up to 5 consecutive strikes.
  • Charged Attack:Ā Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.
  • Plunge Attack:Ā Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Graceful Gale ā†’ Elemental Skill

Enlil quickly spins in an elegant circle to create a blade of wind that has the chance to knock surrounding enemies within its AoE backward, and deals Anemo DMG.

Cooldown:Ā 5 seconds (press) || 10.5 seconds (hold)

Spinning Storms ā†’ Elemental Burst

Entailing the knowledge of the years he spent as a dancer in combination with his Vision, Enlil performs a rhythmical sequence of steps that summons a total of three whirlwinds capable of pulling opponents towards it, generating Anemo DMG for a total of 7 seconds.

Elemental Absorption:Ā If any one of the whirlwinds comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro elements, it will deal 25% additional elemental DMG of the element it has come into contact with.

Cooldown:Ā 15 seconds ||Ā Costs:Ā 70 elemental energy

Vento Rapitur ā†’ Passive 1

Holding Graceful Gale lets Enlil continue spinning and creates a small tornado that triggers Swirl and lasts for 5 seconds, dealing an additional 25% of elemental DMG.. However, holding this skill will cause Enlil to be caught within the tornado, rendering him immobile for the duration of said tornado.Ā While caught in the tornado, character switching is unavailable.

A Passing Squall ā†’ Passive 2

Opponents hit by Graceful Gale will drop additional Elemental Particles. Only an additional 2 particles may be produced per use.

May the Breeze Guide You ā†’ Passive 3

Reduces all party membersā€™ general stamina consumption by a generous 35%.


1 - Curvetting Currents ā†’ Opponents hit by Graceful Gale will now fall to the ground slowly instead of only being knocked back.

2 - Swinging Cyclone ā†’ Normal attack has a 45% chance of triggering Swirl and dealing Anemo DMG.

3 - Dominion Over Zephyr ā†’ Increases the level of Graceful Gale by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

4 - Withstanding Windstorms ā†’ Holding the elemental skill will no longer subject the user to immobility after creating the tornado. This now allows the user to be able to glide or perform a plunge attack.

5 - Atmospheric Sovereignty ā†’ Increases the level of Spinning Storms by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

6 - Dance of Storms ā†’ Increases the total number of tornadoes upon activation of Spinning Storms to a total of four.Ā 


Character Details

Albeit somewhat nomadic, Enlil knows that his roots lie in the heart of Sumeru, even if he is still unsure of his true origin. Those that have been able to meet with the boy call him aloof and noticeably distracted, as if he canā€™t keep his mind from running circles around everything that may be happening around him. His eyes carry an ever-present hint of curiosity, an acute fervor to satiate knowledge about the world around him as well as himself. But what lengths will he go to in order to gain the knowledge that desires to elude him, even at the cost of his own life?

Story 1

When he was little, young Enlil Hirin was regarded as a mischief-maker. His pursuits of knowledge were misunderstood by many, as they led to somewhat dangerous situations. Despite meaning well, he would take opportunities to learn about things whenever he could without stopping to consider the consequences and repercussions that might take place afterward. One of the many notable occurrences of this was when his older sister, Inanna took him outside of the city to pick herbs and flowers from the meadows. Sheā€™d taken her eyes off of him for a split second, and he managed to stumble into a group of Anemo Slimes in the vicinity. Curious as he was, he began to play around with the slimes enough to agitate them, with the goal of observing their floatation properties. Inanna heard his giggle full of childish glee as she spotted him running into the village with a mob of angry slimes and bolted after him, only to see the resulting chaos this tiny child and a small army of Anemo Slimes left in their wake. Needless to say, neither the citizens nor the slimes were very happy with the outcomes.

Story 2

Gossip travels fast in Enlilā€™s hometown back in Sumeru. The whispers he picked up with his keen ears in the village about ā€œthe poor Hirin boyā€ and the misfortune that follows him were ultimately what led him to the conversation he had with his parents about his beginnings. They meant well, telling him the truth about finding him as an infant in the middle of a desert in hopes that giving him the knowledge sooner rather than later would have less repercussions. Sometimes, memories of his youth resurface and leave Enlil missing the days of his child-like innocence. He remembers the time he spent as a dancer during his younger years. Whenever Enlil would perform with his older sister, crowds would gather in the vicinity. His sister would tell him that as long as his feet could find the ground, he had a stage to dance on. He admired her greatly. The day he found out about the truth took the childish trust from within him and skewed it in ways he could barely comprehend at the time. But that didnā€™t change his views about Inanna. Even if they werenā€™t from the same womb, she would always be his sister.Ā 

Story 3

Ā Though not out of spite, Enlil allegedly gave up on his previous passions. Dancing came naturally to him, but he seemed to have lost the will to perform, instead burying himself in research and studies, hoping to learn more about his origins. He enrolled into Sumeru Academia, one of the most prestigious centers of education in the land, if not the number one. Enlil's teachers recognized his curiosity as a talent and a gift, seeing it swirling about in his eyes whenever he'd pick up a new piece of information. However, he was distracted easily. And he certainly didn't like all the extra responsibilities of having to write reports, submit assignments and whatnot, but if it meant being able to use the facilities available at the academia, he would just have to endure it. Somewhere down the road, Enlil eventually realized that he enjoyed learning new things about the other regions of Teyvat. A hunger for adventure began to eat at Enlil, one that burned brightly at the thought of setting foot in lands he'd never visited before. He was suddenly determined to see the world for himself and learn firsthand about the teachings from academia through experience.

Story 4

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Of course, when his family first heard of his desires, they were against it. His abba, the man of the house, was especially firm with Enlil. He had threatened to keep Enlil from even setting foot in the libraries, much less the academia unless he gave up his pointless pursuit. There was a great tension in the Hirin household and he felt even more betrayed by his family for holding him back in so many ways. Inanna had enough. She convinced their abba to talk to Enlil again about the situation and come to a compromise. Their father agreed, telling Enlil that he would only approve of his departure if he secured a Vision and learned to use it. He was hopeful that his son wouldn't actually receive the blessing of an Archon and have to leave, but he would Ā be proven wrong almost immediately when Enlil received Barbatos' gift.

Story 5

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  After Enlil received his Vision, his family was proud, albeit rather devastated at the possibilities of what would happen next for their little one. He'd spend the next few months learning and mastering what he could from teachers at Sumeru Academia, eventually learning to incorporate his own individuality and talent in dancing into the use of his Vision. When he passed all the necessary examinations, he showed his family. Ama and abba shed tears of pride and sorrow, but Inanna celebrated his accomplishments with a cheery smile on her lips. Only when Enlil had set off to leave, bidding his family and village friends farewell did she begin to weep. She made him promise that he would take care of himself first and foremost and never to lose sight of what was important to him. Inanna made a promise of her own, telling Enlil that she would wait for the day of his return. And with that, he was off running, leaping, soaring through the air with the wind, leaving behind the family he had in search of the family who had left him. Unbeknownst to him, he would find something far better than what he expected, along with something far worse.

Of Masks and Mysteries

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Before leaving Sumeru, Enlil had a little side project he'd been working very hard on. Besides his training in using a greatsword and utilizing his Anemo abilities for self-defense, he wanted something that didn't require much effort to protect him from the elements. After talking to a favored professor of his, they both came to the conclusion of a certain type of mask. This professor of his helped him through the process, indulging in Enlil's interesting design concepts and crafting a base for the mask. It resembled a leporid of some sort. When she asked him what significance rabbits had to Enlil, he said he remembered his parents telling him that he had been amongst desert hares the night they found him. And he likes to think that they were standing watch over the little infant swaddled in blankets like his guardians before he was found. His professor smiled, amused at the thought just as Enlil finished painting the mask. The subtle creases engraved into the wood forming intricate feather-like patterns on the part of the mask where the nose bridge was. It was almost finished. Only one thing was missing. Enlil thanked his professor for her time and all the help she provided before leaping his way back home to Inanna. He'd asked her for two of her precious stones, telling her that he needed it for something important. Being her spoiled little brother, Inanna couldn't refuse and gave a matching pair of green stones to Enlil. The following morning, Enlil surprised her with the finished mask. Having carefully carved, refined and altered the stones properties enough to fit into its eye holes, he now had full protection for whatever the weather might throw his way. The mask would also serve as a little piece of home that he'd be able to bring with him wherever he might go next.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The night Enlil and his abba fought about his desire to travel Teyvat, he ran outside of the house and far away from the village. There was a lone olive tree sitting atop a cliffside that would oversee the vast desert that was part of the region that he would visit frequently to think or to be alone. This was Enlil's special spot. He would climb it and sit on its branches, overlooking both the rainforest and the desert from this height. The serenity of the world would allow him to be alone with his thoughts, and at that moment, he felt frustration bubble up inside him. Abba told him that he would only allow Enlil to leave had he been given a Vision from an Archon. He longed to be free of his current life, wishing that he could sprout wings that would carry him far away with the breeze somehow. A silent prayer seemed to fall not from his lips, but from the conundrum of thoughts drumming up his mind. After a time, he exhausted himself with just his worries and emotions, falling asleep beneath the olive tree with the gentle swaying leaves as his only shelter that night. Upon waking up to the soft fall of rain on his cheeks, however, he would see a faint glow emanating beneath his palms. A Vision. From the God of Wind and Freedom, no less. It seemed, Barbatos had heard his prayers and answered them accordingly. A smile decorated Enlil's face as tears of joy slipped from his eyes to join the rain falling to the earth. He clutched the Vision in his palms and bolted straight back home, uncaring of how drenched he'd become in the sudden downpour.

Voice Lines



Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Greetings, fellow traveller. I'm a vagabond who follows the wind wherever it may go. It's nice to see a new face. Would you care to join me in my pursuits of knowledge?

Chat ā€“ The Art of Dance

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Move with the breeze and let it guide you as we sway along together.

Chat ā€“ Unwinding

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Gosh, adventure is always fun! But it can get, uh, really tiring tooā€¦ Can we stop by a library to read and recuperate soon, please?

Chat ā€“ Wind

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The winds are whistling a merry tune. Surely it'll be a prosperous day to travel and learn new things!

When It Rainsā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā How I've missed the dance of rain. What beautiful sounds, the pitter-patter of little raindrops. This weather is the best.

After the Rainā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Already over? Oh well, till the next time, I suppose. I'll be there to watch the next rainfall and bask in it's beauty another day.

When It Snowsā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Oh! How cold! How cold indeed. We don't get much of these back in Sumeru! Fascinating, and so beautiful too. But ah- achoo! Seems, I'm not used to such weather, oh dear.

When the Wind is Blowingā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Thank you, Lord Barbatos. I feel your presence and your blessings in this passing breeze. You've never failed to guide me towards the next big adventure.

Good Morningā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Dawn of a new day. Lot's more to see and discover!

Good Afternoonā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Time sure flies fast when you're learning things out on the field, huh? Isn't this fun!

Good Eveningā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Gosh, adventure is always fun! But it can get, uh, really tiring tooā€¦ Can we stop by a library to read and recuperate soon, please?

Good Nightā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Today was great! Thank you for aiding me in my quest for knowledge, friend.

About Enlil ā€“ Dancingā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Like my big sister always tells me, as long as your feet touch the ground, you'll always have a stage to dance on!

About Enlil ā€“ Studyingā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Oh, yes! That's one of my favorite past times! Though I've found I greatly prefer studying on the field more than just reading about things when I can. Say, would you accompany me to study some hypostases?

About the Visionā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  My Vision? Yes, it's very special to me. It was my literal ticket to freedom from Sumeru. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to go out into the world and learn as much as I have now!

Something to Shareā€¦

Insert filler text.

Interesting Thingsā€¦

Insert filler text.

About Hui ā€“ Friendshipā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Hui! He's always so fun to be around. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet such a wonderful character like him on my travels. Heā€™s definitely one Iā€™m never going to forget! Always so bright and bubbly, and kind to me. Hui reminds me of my big sister sometimes. I- yes, I think theyā€™d get along well. *sniffle*Ā 

About Hui ā€“ Charger...

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Some days, when I really start to feel the fatigue creep up on me after overexerting myself from all the leaping around, I look for my friend, Hui. Heā€™s like this big ball of sunshine, and just being able to share a fleeting moment or even spare a quick hug genuinely brings me so much comfort.

About Eliseā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Miss Elise is so elegant and so regal. A very beautiful woman with a strong devotion to her profession. I respect and admire her greatly. If only I could be more focused with my goals instead of being so distracted all the timeā€¦ Maybe things would be different. I could definitely learn a thing or two from her!

About Fuyutoā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  "I don't know much about Fuyuto, save for his name. And when I don't have much knowledge about something, I tend to deem it dangerous. He's got malice in his eyes, that one. I think it's wiser to stay away from him for now."

About Jewelā€¦

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Another very regal character. So many people from Mondstadt seem to present themselves this way! I think Jewelā€™s a very pretty individual, truly pleasing to look at. Heā€™s got so much jewelry too! Then again, so do I, haha. I hope weā€™re able to get along well at the very least. He can be a little intimidating at times with his radiance. Iā€™m very curious about his sparkly little friend though.

About Misakiā€¦

Insert filler text here.

About Nicoā€¦Ā 

The ever-mysterious Nicotiana, as he calls himself. Hm, yes, I have seen him lingering about. He's a curious case; like me, a traveller with an air of ominosity, as I've heard others say. I'm fully aware that I should be cautious, especially since he's a walking enigma, but it seems I could learn a thing or two from this stranger. There's no reward without any risk, after all, don't you think?

About Razorā€¦

Razor? You mean that child who lives among the wolves near the City of Freedom? That one has the stare of a carnivore. I met their gaze once; I felt like a rabbit in the eyes of a predator. It chilled me to the bone. But Iā€™d certainly like to get to know more about what life within a wolf is like. Perhaps I should approach them sometime.

About Ventiā€¦Ā 

Ah yes, that bard that likes to sing songs and make tunes out of tales- he's very lively and approachable. I think I've talked with him enough to be able to call him a friend. He's even invited me to try some of the local delicacies! I remember him mentioning something about a dandelion-based beverage of sorts, but I can't exactly recall. Hmm, in any case, I'm looking forward to seeing him around more often!

More About Enlil ā€“ I...

More About Enlil ā€“ IIā€¦

More About Enlil ā€“ IIIā€¦

More About Enlil ā€“ IVā€¦

More About Enlil ā€“ Vā€¦

Enlil's Hobbiesā€¦

Enlil's Troublesā€¦

I know I can beā€¦ pretty misunderstood when it comes to my experiments. But I promise you I don't mean to cause all the trouble that I do! I just find that the opportunity to gather more knowledge presents itself at times which aren't so optimal for others.

Favorite Foodā€¦

I do love a good cup of coffee. The caffeine gives me an energy boost to get through my day!

Least Favorite Foodā€¦

Meatā€¦ it's not so appetizing for me. I'd much rather eat fowl or vegetables! Can you imagine hurting those little foxes running around just for meat? I certainly can't. I'd much rather study them than turn them into my next meal.

Happy Birthdayā€¦

What a special day this is! Congratulations on making it through another cycle, friend! You certainly deserve the very best, not only on this day, but every day thereafter! Here's to you, my dear fellow traveller. Now, how about we find a cozy little spot to sit by and drink before we set out to seize the day again?

Feelings About Ascension ā€“ Introā€¦

Is this what it's like to be powerful? It sure feels like it!

Feelings About Ascension ā€“ Building Upā€¦

Feelings About Ascension ā€“ Climaxā€¦

Feelings About Ascension ā€“ Conclusionā€¦

filler text.

Battle and Exploration

Added to Party

  • The unknown awaits us!
  • Onward, let the wind lead the way!
  • Just a second. Let me fix my mask before we go.

Elemental Skill

  • Woah!
  • Getting- a little- dizzy!
  • Take that!

Elemental Burst

  • Watch this!
  • Graceful and deadly!
  • Dance of storms!


  • Move with the breeze and let it guide you as you sway along together.
  • Gosh, adventure is always fun! But it can get, uh, really tiring tooā€¦ Can we stop by a library to read and recuperate soon, please?
  • The winds are whistling a merry tune. Surely it'll be a prosperous day to travel and learn new things!


  • Let's go! Let's go!
  • Where will the wind lead next?


  • Argh! Too slow!
  • Hey, that hurts!

Knocked Out

  • Sisterā€¦ Please wait for me...
  • Still not fast enough...

Ideas to be incorporated here:


  • Songs: Thus Always to Tyrants // The Oh Hellos | Dear Fellow Traveller // Sea Wolf | Kalmia Kid // Chloe Moriondo | Iā€™d Rather Sleep // Kero Kero Bonito (envisioned animatic with oc fam)

Idle Animations:Ā 

  • some graceful form of dance?
  • Enlil slips his mask on and looks at the world around him for a little bit through literally jaded eyes before removing the mask and fixing his hair.