


3 years, 2 months ago


cupcake princess | common | pip
ml # 2350
silvan elvish meaning "to play"

Despite her youthful appearance and antics, Teliaeth is a rather old Howltar, the sole heir and princess of the previous rulers of the Howltar Kingdom. The current Queen keeps Teliaeth as a prisoner in the garden, feeding her false information to make her think it is in her best interest to remain tucked away from the world. Although her parents have long since passed, the Queen creates false letters and tokens to give her the impression they are simply on a long diplomatic trip. Ivrenil, the current Queen's heir, was placed in the garden with Teliaeth as a way to keep tabs on her. From Ivrenil's stories about the adventures and fun she has with Teliaeth the Queen is able to glean how well her manipulative tactics are working. 

Teliaeth lives on the island of the Main Library, in the Enchanted Gardens hidden within the sprawling library. The Enchanted Garden is a dark and overgrown expanse, full of magical plants, some ancient and some new, serving as a living catalog of the flora of the Howltar Kingdom. Here Telieath and Ivrenil have an eternal tea party, a small bright spot in the dark gardens, decorated in glowing pastels and fine jewels, with plenty of sweet treats, beautiful tea sets and the finest teas. When one gets too close, the light of their party snuffs out and disappears, only to reappear elsewhere in the garden a few moments later. If one is lucky enough to join the party, they are likely to end up entranced for at least three days, losing any sense of time or responsibility until they're released from the spell, finding themselves left in the middle of the garden, very likely somewhere besides where they started, and the party continuing some distance away.