Nahi (I-prmopts)



White Feathers

Top . I01 . I02 . I03 . I04 . I05 . I06 . I07 . I08 . I09 . I10 . I11 . I12 . I13 . I14 . I15 . I16 . I17 . I18 . I19 . I20
I21 . I22 . I23 . I24 . I25 . I26 . I27 . I28 . I29 . I30

Bronze Feathers

White Feathers - 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
I01. Write out this character's personality 162/150

  On the outside Nahi gives the impression of a cute, delicate girl. There are times when she acts like it too, especially when she wants to get something. She has long discovered that with pretty eyes and nice words she can easily persuade others. However, that’s not her preferred option of doing business. She would much rather beat the living daylight out of anyone that stands between her and her goals. That often gets her in trouble because she’s stupidly brave and does not know how to pick her opponents. Luckily, she’s also nimble and fast which helps her escape whenever things get dire.

  Those she’s not trying to fight she treats with kindness, although it’s not always apparent. She’s infantile and hates being ignored or when something doesn’t go exactly as she wants. It takes some time to earn her respect and make her listen to reason, but it also earns you a loyal friend who will always have your back.

I02. Write 3 positive traits about this individual, and 3 negative ones [ Listed traits ]

  + brave, charismatic, creative
  - impatient, childish, feisty

I03. Write this character's backstory, how they came to join the territory (or if they were born into it) how their childhood made them who they are 159/150

  Nahi was born on a beautiful, tropical island and lived there with her mother until her 16th birthday. She lived an enjoyable, rather stress-free life, spending most of her days climbing trees, exploring the island and learning to fight. One day she received a mysterious gem from her mother, who looked unusually worries. She was told to leave the island and never come back. Saddened and confused, she escaped, but did not have time to think much of it, landing herself on a pirate ship. It took her to a new continent where she met Marlevort. He saw her potential and introduced her to Sye, who took an immediate liking to her. He helped her accommodate in the new world and found a outlet for her fighting spirit. She joined a group of adventurers and together with them is exploring the world, hoping that one day she’ll solve the mystery of the gem and return home to her mother.

I04. Explain this character's role in their group or home. How do they contribute (or not contribute?) 0/150


I05. What is this character's biggest dream/goal? 0/150


I06. What is this character's biggest fear or nightmare? 0/150


I07. What does this character's name mean/where did it come from? 0/150


I08. Draw this character in their youth/as a cub/kitten [ flat fullbody drawing ]


I09. What does this character view as their greatest enemy, whether internally or externally? 0/150


I10. Create a moodboard for this character [ Moodboard ]


I11. Create a signature themed around this character [ Screenshot signature ]


I12. Draw a sketchpage of your character (at least 3 fullbody sketches) [ at least 3 fullbody sketches sketchpage ]


I13. How does this character handle disrespect or insults? 0/150


I14. What is this character's greatest strength? 0/150


I15. What is this character's greatest weakness? 0/150


I16. What is this character's greatest regret, what mistake haunts them? 0/150


I17. How does this character respond to being wrong? 0/150


I18. Is this character a leader or a follower? 0/150


I19. What is this character proud of? 0/150


I20. What does this character view as their own most valuable trait? 0/150


I21. What does this character value most in others? 0/150


I22. Who does/did this character admire most? 0/150


I23. Is this character religious/superstitious, do they believe in fantasy or aliens? Or are they based harshly in reality? 0/150


I24. Is this character organized or sloppy? Are there exceptions when they may be the other for certain things? 0/150


I25. What is this character's biggest secret? 0/150


I26. How does this character cope with sadness? 0/150


I27. How does this character cope with anger? 0/150


I28. How intelligent is this character? 0/150


I29. What is this character's views on change? 0/150


I30. How does this character express themselves? 0/150


Bronze Feathers - 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum)
I(b)01. What is this character's opinion/experience with love? (Either romantic, familial, or platonic) 0/700


I(b)02. How has this character changed since they were young? 0/700


I(b)03. What is this character's most important relationship in their life? [can be familial, romantic, platonic, ect) 0/700


I(b)04. Create a timeline of this characters life, including at least 4 events and 100 words for each event. 1 timeline



I(b)05. What causes this character anxiety, and how do they cope with it? 0/700


I(b)06. How did this character earn their role in their group? Has it always been their designated place? 0/700


I(b)07. Elaborate about a time this character learned a harsh lesson, or suffered an extreme turning point in their life. 0/700


I(b)08. Write about this character's views on parenthood. What do they think the role of a parent is? do they want to be a parent someday? Do they have a good parental relationship themselves? 0/700


I(b)09. Someone deals a great harm to this character, when confronted, they claim it was an accident. Does your character believe them? How do they respond? 0/700


I(b)10. Write about this character's morality system. What do they see as good, and what do they see as wrong? What is most important at both ends of this spectrum to them? 0/700