


3 years, 1 month ago


A Fandomless Hero Oc

Verglas (Pronouned Ver-gla) is a hero with the ability to create, and manipulate, ice. He was a Russian experiment that was grown in a tube. The Russians were trying to weaponize their cold climate during the winter, so they attempted to make soldiers that could use it to their advantage. Verglas was one of the successful experiments, but he was put into a deep sleep until he was found by U.S. soldiers during the end of World War 2. He ages incredibly slow, due his body temperature being very low. So, still at a young age for his kind (he was around 34 when the U.S. found him), he ended up teaching himself how to use his ice abilities to try and help protect innocent people from dangerous situations. Due to how he was created, Verglas was never taught to read, write, or do other basic skills normally taught in school.

He believes in redemption and second chances. He also believes that most villains are just misunderstood, or were lead down the wrong path. Verglas’ goal is to help redeem as many villains as he can.

Verglas’ arch nemesis was Nebula (Dragons-Cove’s Oc), until the villain decided to switch sides. Once Nebula takes that course of action, Verglas decides to teach him how to be good.

Super Power: Verglas uses his low body temperature to produce ice when none is readily available. When in a cold environment, he can pull water particles from the air, freeze them, and shape them into whatever he wants. If there is ice, or snow, in his general vicinity, he can manipulate that as well. The more ice he wields, the lower his body temperature drops.

Weakness: Verglas has a difficult time in warm environments. Due to his low body temperature, he tends to get very weak, and even sick, when exposed to too much heat. So, when out in public, he is usually seen wearing a hat, and some sort of insulated clothing, if he’s not wearing his superhero outfit.

Hero Name: Verglas

Real Name: E-12. Tends to just go by V.

Body Type: Thin, Fit

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 182 Ibs

Hair: Pale royal blue. Short and fluffy

Eye Color: Bright yellow

Appearance: Icy colored skin with two, pointed, frills on either side of his head. He has an underbite, so two, sharp teeth stick out from his mouth. He has piercing yellow eyes, and clawed fingertips.

Superhero Outfit: Red goggles are used to protect his eyes, and ice gauntlets (which he created) cover his arms. A protective chest plate sits on top of an off-blue under suit. He has an insulated utilities belt, which usually carries basic medical items, and a small icepack.

Personality: Verglas is a very kind hero. He isn’t one to necessarily wear his heart on his sleeve, but he does emote often enough. He is a very alert, clever, creative, and courageous person. He can be sarcastic, if the situation calls for it, but he’s usually pretty genuine with his words.

Extra Information: Verglas has a Russian accent, though it isn’t very thick. Years of practice have allowed him to speak the English language fluently, though his primary language is Russian.