Hershel Black



3 years, 2 months ago


  • Hershel R. Black

  • AmZh11E.png

  • ᴀɢᴇ 28
  • ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ male
  • ʀᴀᴄᴇhuman
  • OCCUPATION criminologist
  • VOICE High pitched and rough, sounds like he has a constant runny nose. He speaks clearly and modifies his tone according, otherwise it just sounds very monotone and flat. Has a shaky, sometimes squeaky hint to it when he's angry.


Extremely detached from reality yet unable to escape it, Hershel roams the city in unbearable awareness of everything surrounding him, always looking for a quick escape, for sweet release, for love and comfort.

Running in barely some hours of sleep and probably some kind of stimulant, Hershel shows himself to the world as the person he chooses to be when he wakes up, having calculated a facade through most of his short life to hide his true self, aiming to protect himself. He comes off as very quiet unless prompted -and believe me, you wouldn't want to-, serious and with an acid sense of humour, lazy and somewhat distracted, which is not far from how he actually is. People are not entirely weirded out by him, but they surely stay the hell away if they can manage.

Truth be told, he sports a severe case of antisocial behaviour, unable to attach himself to most people no matter how hard he tries and is incapable of escaping a perpetual feeling of boredom which causes him to always be seeking for any sort of stimulation, making him prone to self destructive tendencies. As a somewhat functional drug addict, Hershel is always looking for his favorite sweets, no matter how much he loathes them. 

A two faced liar, despite his difficulties forming relationships, he is extremely afraid of the prospect of rejection and especially abandonment. He fails to grasp the reality of his behaviour, often feeling -and acting- like the victim when he is most likely the perpetrator. He may feel regret, but never guilt, and being the very sensitive individual he is, calling him out on his wrongdoings is often like talking to a concrete wall that will yell back at you.

He is prone to violence, especially toward others, and has frequent bouts of rage often paired with brief, yet intense episodes that seem to be psychotic in nature. His meds help manage his behaviour... if he's taking them.

All in all, Hershel does a great job at managing his emotions in front of others, he goes to greath lenghts to hide his vulnerabilities, weirdness and issues, and his efforts have truly paid off. Behind his mask, however, he's a crying mess of incredibly intense emotions that often overwhelm him. Do not feel pity, for he would push you down the stairs if he could get away with it just for a good laugh.

 Extra info: 

♥ Hershel has a very messy head, dealing with several issues that make him a very unstable individual. He doesn't look the part on the outside, at all.

♥ His emotions work in extremes. They are either very shallow or overwhelmingly intense. No in-between.

♥ As a criminologist, he specialized in sexual crime. This has more to do with events in his past than the odd attraction he feels toward the mystery and perpetrators. 

♥ He enjoys watching tv shows about crime and cops.

♥ He is somewhat of a sadist. People openly showing emotions -like crying- are a complete turn off, however. They actually make him anxious.

♥ Incidentally, he deals with a great deal of anxiety, and panic attacks aren't that infrequent in him.

♥ He laughs at inappropiate times or situations, often as a coping mechanism. 

♥ It's rare to see him smile.

♥ He's psysically unwell. Struggles to take care of himself, and it shows on his face. 

♥ Harbours a deep despise of men, despise being attracted to them.

♥ Likewise, women make him psysically anxious and sick, despite attraction.

♥ Loves getting his hair petted or caressed.

♥ He has a frequent nightmare or hallucination, which he calls "the call", where he finds himself sitting at his couch at home, and an unknown caller, sometimes with the voice of a woman he used to know or the voice of his father, will go on a rant about his most intimate issues, fears and disturbing subjects.





