Jolene's Comments

Aww, what a sad girl! Here's some ideas for her:

-Tired gal, please take a nap hon' I’m begging you you know you need it

-It's hard to tell, but her eyes are a deep chocolate brown

-Always has bags under her eyes, fur tends to be messy and disheveled

-Needs to take better care of herself, but refuses to

-Disassociates when upset, her vision gets all fuzzy and she sees double

-(That's me including in that glitch effect because I really like it)

-Massive procrastinator, could do great things if she really wanted to but settles for doing everything last minute

-Also has problems with motivation, there are days when she can’t even get up from her bed, and so she just lays and listens to music (sometimes the same song on an hour-long loop)

-Simultaneously longs for a partner while also being terrified of any sort of intimacy

-Big “let me hug you but don’t hug me back but please love me” energy

-I just want to cuddle with her, stroke her fur and tell her that everything is gonna be alright


-Her path is not a happy one.

-She is simultaneously hyper-aware of her fate while also convinced she is unable to do anything about it.

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Thank ya kindly! 

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