John Blake - The Bobby



7 years, 9 days ago


Name: John Blake

Title: The Bobby

D.O.B: March 27, 1991

P.O.B: Ciudad Porcelana; Teselia Region

Species / Gender: Vaporeon / Masculine

Ethnicity: English

Family: Joseph Blake - Father(Alive); Gerina Blake - Mother(Alive); Jerome Blake - Younger Brother(Presumed Deceased)

Distinctions: Purple iris, wears a police uniform, intelligent, righteous and strong sense of justice,

Powers / Abilities: Genius-level Intellect; Highly-Skilled Detective, Investigator and Policeman; Master Marksman; Multitude of Skills (Driving, Stealth, semi-parkour, Etc); Typical abilities of an average.


Beginnings John Blake was a young Eevee from the most run down section of Ciudad Porcelana where he'd be raised by community helping parents on the average of work income, his father Joseph Blake was a fire fighter for the Ciudad Department and his mother Gerina Blake a nurse at the main hospital of Ciudad Medical institute. Blake himself attended school and had a relatively normal childhood in his first few years where by the age of five would be blessed with a younger brother named Jerome Blake who he looked after closely through the elementary school years and into the early middle school years.

Always looking up to his mother and father for their continuous hard work and aid in benefiting the city and it's inhabitants by their efforts which lead to him showing interest in a similar type of career. Particularly looking in the direction or the Police Department with interest believing that he could work hard to become a policeman some time down the road as he knew the rise in crime was becoming a particular problem to the city as a whole being one of the worst in the world. Which made him desire to carry on his family's tradition of being a hero for the city and began reading some novels and police related documentaries to gain the knowledge that he'd need for having a chance to become an officer.

During this John would act as a good figure where he'd help stop bullying in his school by getting them to back off other kids even if it ended in him getting beat up in the process which made him sort of a popular student for his efforts in the school and even got him hall pass privileges to see to it other kids got to class on time. His brother Jerome however was becoming one of the most picked on kids by a group of bullies in secret due to his own successes as they were jealous of him and found his goody-toe-shoes act annoying. It would only be through his careful observations and snooping that he'd find out and catch one in the act of kicking Jerome in a secluded area which led him to force him off and get him expelled.

The Bad Son

By the time Blake evolved into a Vaporeon during his last year in middle school, Jerome was changing somewhat in his behavior as he apparently suffered from persistent bullying when Blake was not at his side and his mindset seemed off though was not too recognizable at first, it wouldn't be until John took a walk with Jerome that he was calmly told that he was glad that the "accident" that caused his bully to end up in the hospital occurred in the most nonchalant manner appearing to have been happy it. This would concern John a bit but at the time he'd understand Jerome's feelings about being bullied, or so he thought as he knew he couldn't be there by his brother's side to help him at every turn.

Several accidents began to occur to the other bullies who happened to mess with Jerome with one even ending up in a coma causing John to feel a little uneasy and decided to investigate in his own way where he found clues being perks of his little brother that only he'd know that caused him to become suspicious and eventually confront Jerome about it which lead to him shrugging it off nonchalantly and simply stating he was that not involved though Blake didn't believe this and found Jerome's evidence and behavior unsettling and concerning. Due to this he'd bring up concerns to his parents which caused them to scold him for saying such things about his brother and finding it horrible.

Due to his growing determination, John was played into Jerome's paw as he used his brother's suspicions to convince their parents he may need a psychiatrist where he was then told he could not leave his room where he feared for what Jerome could do. At this point Gerina stumbled upon a belonging to one of the bullies that picked on him in school causing her to start wondering and try to get her younger son to open up during a walk which went sour upon discovering the dark truth, Jerome had become a Cluster B psychopath with antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders with sadistic features that caused him to run away and have her chase him while attempting to get her son to stop and open up to her.

During this John managed to escape out his window of his room and evade Joseph as he found the trails over his brother and mother following it and just in time came upon the scene where Jerome was standing at a cliff's edge holding a big rock he was about to throw at Gerina who held on for dear life trying to reason with him, taking action and tackling Jerome to the ground in a scuffle of emotion on his end and Gerina's while Jerome himself felt nothing but annoyance. This allowed Gerina to climb back up slowly just in time as Jerome and John rolled off the cliff and were both caught by their arms with her grip now in a position of trying to pull them up. This would become the toughest choice of her life as she couldn't hold onto both of them and finally made the decision to let go of Jerome in order to save John sending him pummeling down the cliff.

Enforcering Days

With the traumatic event over, John continued into his high school years studying up and taking in as many enforcer lessons he could gain in his spare time until graduating and heading into a college course specifically for the job requirements, sometime during this Joseph got trapped into a burning building when attempting to save a trapped child who he managed to get out out to be piled on by falling debris and was saved by the superhero Anansi left him in a hospitalized state. John grew a bit interested in the vigilante scene at this point out of curiosity due to the fact they were helping aid with crime busting even if acting above the law and another particular incident occurring when John made his walk back home from college on a holiday when he was surrounded by a gang.

Each wielding melee weapons and picking him out for being alone and demanding every possession he had, in response John retaliated at the first opportunity using the training he had been undergoing for some time to make use of the body of one gang member who walked too close in order to shield himself from attacks in one direction and attacked a few from his other side managing to take down a total of six our of the fifteen Pokemon before guns were pulled on him in a hopeless situation. It was here that the most infamous vigilante Murcielago took down several in one swoop and saved him displaying such impressive agility, strength and endurance taking down all of the thugs with slight damages to only his armored costume before swooping away just as fast as he appeared by a grappling hook causing John to believe a bit more in superheroes at the time.

The police arriving on this scene at this precise moment and here he met with Commissioner George St. Dieudonne who at first while questioning him on the events of what occurred, told John that he was reckless stupid. But that was the kind of justice attitude they look for in an officer which got him some recognition from the Ciudad Porcelana Police Department for once he'd finish college. With this he'd continue on his last year until finishing before he'd finally be in uniform as a Rookie police officer fulfilling his career choice and making his parents proud. Several months into his work, he'd bust several drug deals, thieves, store robbers and even an attempted murderer up until he would be sided on to a new partner in the form of the female Flareon Ephrael Stern who was also a rookie cop like himself.

John and Ephrael spend around a month together as partner cops with their own cruiser, patrols and cases proving a good duo of a team up until the event of Deadman's Island which put all costumed law bringers on the same page as other criminals to be arrested on sight for operating outside the law, this conflicted on John's original view point and hesitantly accepted it as he felt this was for the best. At times having a few chases with vigilantes here and there alongside Ephrael who each managed to allude them like many other officers both rookie and veteran. Despite this the duo would manage to take down a B rank super-villain known as Licht who held up a location and outsmarting him into an arrest which would be their most notable feat at the current time of their enforcer careers...

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