Ravebreaker (Movie)



1 year, 14 days ago




“Rhythm and soul are all I need.”

Name Ravebreaker
Nicknames Rave, Rave Queen, Miss'a Raveh
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Race Cybertronian
Allegiance Autobot
Function Communications Officer
Alt Mode Rhaakt’siri
Voice Actor Zazie Beetz
Creation Date August 2007
Theme Die Young
HTML Pinky

A cocky, vain, and mischievous femme, Ravebreaker is an Autobot who loves music and loves to party. She’s a major flirt and will hit on any mech in sight. Despite her carefree personality, Ravebreaker is a steadfast friend and often acts as the upbeat jokester of the group to lift the spirits of those around her when they’re feeling down. During Cybertron's Golden Age, she was a DJ/singer for multiple clubs with a dream to open up her own. That dream was put on hold when the war began. She became a Communications Officer for the Autobots because of her ability to jam/tap radio frequencies, and hide her own energy signature and that of her comrades. Though she is namely a jovial femme, Ravebreaker does suffer from PTSD after she failed to recognize a Decepticon signal disguised as an Autobot SOS that led to the deaths of many of her comrades, and from being stranded for centuries on a hostile alien planet with its blood-thirsty serpent residents, the Rhaakt’siri. However, she tries to keep all that trauma to herself and hidden behind a smile.



  • Music
  • Singing
  • Flirting
  • Being lazy
  • Afts (butts)


  • Rhaakt’sirit
  • Arduous training
  • Hard work in general
  • Anyone messing with her visor

Ravebreaker came into the world of Cybertron as a hatchling during the Golden Age, when Cybertronians lived in peace. After receiving her final frame, the young femme went off to become a DJ and singer for a small club. For stellarcycles, she sang and mixed music for her fellow Cybertronians, living the dream life.

Joining the Autobots

When Megatron formed the Decepticons and declared war on those who stood for freedom, Ravebreaker declared herself neutral in the conflict, not wanting to leave her luxurious life behind. She continued to mix music, however as the war dragged on, fewer and fewer Cybertronians came to the clubs with the streets becoming unsafe. After some Decepticons bombed the club she was working in and was saved by a few Autobot medics, Ravebreaker reluctantly pledged herself to the Autobot cause, seeing that there was no returning to the good old days until the war was over. She became a Communications Officer, working at Communications Intel in the Autobot city Iacon. There she helped detect and tap into Decepticon signals as well as jam enemy frequencies. She rarely partook in battle. Though skilled at her occupation, Ravebreaker was not without faults, one time detecting an Autobot SOS that resulted in a team investigating, only to learn it was a Decepticon signal in disguise. The team of Autobots was wiped out with the exception of a couple survivors. Ravebreaker carries the massive guilt over the incident for the rest of her life.


After the Allspark was launched into space and Optimus Prime left with a small team to find it, Ravebreaker was one of few surviving Autobots that remained on Cybertron, trying to keep the remaining Decepticons at bay. With Cybertron ultimately dying, the remaining Autobots were forced to leave the planet and seek refuge amongst the stars and/or follow Optimus' lead. Ravebreaker boarded one of these ships with her Communications Intel crew. The ship however ran into the Decepticon fleet and was quickly destroyed. Ravebreaker was one of the few survivors, but her escape pod suffered damage which crippled its navigation systems. She was sent off course, far away from her Autobot allies, and to a barren, uncharted planet.

Ravebreaker immediately set off to explore her new surroundings as she attempted contact with her allies, but only received static in return. However, she quickly learned she was not alone. She fell under attack by a flock of feral, robotic alien serpents. Though unused to fighting such savage, rapid creatures, Ravebreaker managed to kill a couple, but was forced to retreat at the sheer number of them. She surprisingly found refuge in an ancient energon mining factory and hid until the flock disappeared. Ravebreaker eventually learned from documents left behind by the miners were Decepticons attempting to obtain rare minerals to aid them in the war, but had been killed off by the alien serpents they had named the Rhaakt’siri. She also realized that the serpents were highly sensitive to their surroundings, able to detect different energy signatures and would attack anything that was not of their own kind. To avoid detection and realizing their build was light and similar in size to her own, Ravebreaker copied their robotic structure and disguised herself as one of them.

For centuries, Ravebreaker remained hidden in the factory, trying to establish communications with any Cybertronians in space and living off of the limited supplies in the factory. She rarely ventured outside, in fear of giving away her position to the Rhaakt’siri. As more time passed, her supplies began to dwindle and she slowly began to become feral like the Rhaakt’siri from being near them for so long and not having contact with a single Cybertronian.

"Reign of the Rhaakt’siri"

Just as she was ready to give up hope, her salvation came to her in the form of two Autobots, Sideswipe and Dino, after a freak accident while recovering a space pillar on Earth after the Battle in Chicago had sent them to the alien planet. The three teamed up to seek a way to get off the hostile planet and reunite with the other Autobots on Earth… (to be continued)

Age of Extinction and The Last Knight

When the rogue mercenary group Cemetery Wind started hunting down and killing all Cybertronians regardless of faction, Ravebreaker remained in hiding and survived long enough to reach the sanctuary in Cuba where Topspin, Fyreant, and a few others remained. Unfortunately, her sparkmate Sideswipe had been killed, but not before leaving Ravebreaker expecting their sparkling. She rejoined the other Autobots after Quintessa was defeated and left for Cybertron where she eventually has her sparkling, a little mech named Duskfall.


  • When she was first created in 2007, the year the first Transformers movie came out, Ravebreaker was a character for Transformers Armada who was the pupil of another fancharacter named Maelstrom. She and Sideswipe had a thing for each other, which carried over to her movieverse incarnation. When she was modified for movieverse, she was originally Jazz's daughter, but eventually became her own character.
  • Ravebreaker's alt mode was originally a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette.


Because of remaining on the barren planet for so long and in fear that the Rhaakt’siri may detect her, even though they are several galaxies away from Earth, Ravebreaker cannot bring herself to let go of her “security blanket” and insists she keep her alien serpent form as her alternate mode. Having studied the Rhaakt’siri for centuries and mimicking their behavior to hide from them, she has adopted their fighting style for her own and will usually use her claws, tail, and jaws on the battlefield. She is incredibly fast in the air and can create an EMP burst to disable enemy communications or unleash a more powerful burst to paralyze her opponents momentarily. With lots of practice hiding from the Rhaakt’siri, Ravebreaker is incredibly adept at hiding her energy signature, and can jam signals. The horn on her alt mode’s head is capable of absorbing lightning bolts, which can be redirected at her foes.


Ravebreaker's frame is very light is easy to penetrate. One shot to her wings can render her flightless. She is not one for training since she is quite lazy, and therefore does not have much combat experience. She also has moments where she becomes overconfident and taunts her enemies, angering them even further and getting herself into a situation she can’t get out of.


Dino [ best friend ]

Dino met Ravebreaker after he and Sideswipe were accidentally transported to the Rhaakt’siri-infested planet thanks to a dangerous group of humans attempting to experiment with spacebridge technology as a means for war. When the duo arrived, Ravebreaker immediately took to them after not having contact with any Cybertronian in centuries, let alone some very handsome mechs. She is instantly a huge fan of Dino's sexy accent and his cocky, but well-mannered personality. The two like to tease the other, or in Ravebreaker's case teasingly flirt. After the trials they go through on the planet, Dino and Ravebreaker develop a close friendship. She will often come to him for advice. Ravebreaker will affectionately call him "Dino Baby" while he refers to her as "Miss'a Raveh."


Sideswipe [ romantic interest ]

Sideswipe met Ravebreaker after he and Dino were accidentally transported to the Rhaakt’siri-infested planet thanks to a dangerous group of humans attempting to experiment with spacebridge technology as a means for war. When the duo arrived, Ravebreaker immediately took to them after not having contact with any Cybertronian in centuries, let alone some very handsome mechs. Right off the bat Ravebreaker is attracted to Sideswipe's warrior build and begins her game of flirting with him, something that Sideswipe is slightly oblivious to and ignores due to being more focused on his blood hunt against the Rhaakt’siri. However, the two quickly gain a respect for each other due to their strengths and similar cocky personalities. They become even closer after the two have a spark to spark chat about their similar traumatic pasts and get to know each other on a more personal level while keeping watch over camp. Through their adventure on the planet, they eventually develop some romantic feelings for each other, with Sideswipe falling for how strong Ravebreaker is emotionally and how she breaks down the walls he’s built to deal with his survivor’s guilt, while Ravebreaker falls for how similar the two are, how they’re able to talk about their trauma to each other, and how he brings her back from the edge when she starts to succumb to Rhaakt’siri instinct, reminding her she is not one of them but a strong, confident femme. After Ravebreaker makes it to Earth, the two become a couple. Ravebreaker will affectionally call him her "Sweettire" while he calls her his "Rave Queen."


Fyreant [ best friend ]

Ravebreaker met Fyreant when she arrived on Earth and was brought to the Autobot base. Immediately Ravebreaker felt drawn to the much younger femme, even though Fyreant had been a Decepticon before she was taken in by the Autobots. After having dealt with the horrible Rhaakt’siri, Ravebreaker mused that so long as the former Decepticon didn't turn out to be as bad as the alien serpents or the higher ranked Decepticons, then she didn't have a problem with her, and rather enjoyed the company of another femme to chat with. Fyreant and Ravebreaker eventually become the closest of friends and enjoy their time away from the "mech energy" on base. Even after they return to Cybertron, Ravebreaker continues to value her intelligence, fiery passion, and companionship for centuries to come.


Edenrod [ best friend ]



Duskfall [ sparkling ]



Hazedrifter [ sparkling ]